What are you working on currently? (2018)

little cool base builder ive been working on, builds are placeholder but the snap mechanics and placement are all there https://youtu.be/VLbHeMoDOH8


It toggles the mobile input year but from my experience it toggles controller input too. It disables character and camera movement while it’s true

Been putting quite some time into this. I think it’s starting to come together pretty nicely! :smiley:

This is what I’m currently working on on the minimap.


Huge map layout that’s gonna be goodluck ;p

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Thanks :smiley:
Yea will take quite some time, but it’s so worth it!


I have finally made a Sci-Fi racing track that I can say it’s not too sketchy. Plus going at 400 studs per second is an awesome feeling owo

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I hope these UIs are compatible with all devices and not just your studio viewport. Everytime I try to create UI in studio’s viewport I end up remaking it with the laptop emulator on.

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They only become very sluggish when you use unreastically low resolutions (640x480), or attempt to play it on a smartphone:

But in most cases the UI fits well (800x600):

It also fits well with tablets:

In all cases, I have found a cooler, more interesting design for these UI’s that I will apply soon. Be tuned! :wink:
Basically it means I would end up remaking them anyways, you get new inspirations over the course of time.


Brings back rainbow road ptsd


Enjoy more rainbow road. But seriously, the most of the rainbow road feeling is mitigated inside the track itself, the remaining feeling serves as aesthetical feature.


Working on something new relying on slide physics and much more granular and faster pathfinding derived from arbitrary polygons!


Was bored and made a basic AI then spawned a lot of them


Had a small playtest in Oak Tale today; things seem to be really coming together nicely!

We also just got in two music tracks (Title Theme and First Island) from BSlickComposer!


Maybe add some variation in nodes when NPC’s go on long & straight paths?

Would make it seem more realistic and less boring just seeing the NPC’s walk the exact same ways every time.

Dude, fellow dev making AI? <3
What kind of AI is that?

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Some effects to give more eye appeal to the power boosts :smiley:


Well literally all they do at the moment is turn and look at you and say a voice line, and if you are a vampire they just shoot like hell :rofl: so not much of an AI just an A


Absolutely, thanks.
I’m not sure how I’ll address it yet, but I thought about some more greedy pathfinding approach before computing an actual short path to generate more variation and some sort of variation between the NPCs on how likely they are to path through (small) bodies of water.

Oh hey I animated that

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ZBrush practice by remaking one of my older models