What are you working on currently? (2018)


“bagged meat”

this is how it should look like:

Yours looks like a plastic watermelon filled with the vomit of a person who just drank a gallon of pink lemonade. Eurgh.


Working on the boiler room for Titanic 2.0


:ok_hand:t2: :ok_hand:t2:

Sad that it’ll be all gone as soon as you set sail ;-;


I think the red should be darker and the light color should be whiter. Also there wouldn’t be as many visible wrinkles in the bad. Ultimately I think you need to have it displayed in some form other than a lemon. The meat is going to want to flatten out.

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Playing around with some terrain and lighting for a project, going for my own interesting little aesthetic.
It’s a bit rough right now


Niceee, I’d suggest tweaking those skybox’s though, the gradient should be more distanced. Also, if you’re using blender for the terrain, plug in a triangulate modifier, some of those faces look like squares or polygons. Looks cool nonetheless!

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I do triangulate faces on export, some of the polygons are messy around the river because of the decimation algorithm with collapse. Could probably clean up manually

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Busy making a trap beat. I uploaded a WIP version to soundcloud.

Feedback is appreciated

Edit: Which color looks better?

  • Yellow
  • Blue

0 voters

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Tracer from Overwatch:


This map is huge and it’s burning me out faster than an oil burner ;-;


I made some UI for a new game. I am not an artist. I would like some suggestions to make it more appealing


All of the models in the icons are colored depending on the team you’re on and all of the buttons have a hover/click effect so they get darker when your mouse is over them.

I wouldn’t say there’s anything wrong with the UI. There’s just nothing right with it. It’s a purely functional UI, with not much of an aesthetic composition. That’s where I would start—what do you want the focal point to be, and what cool arrangements or effects could you do to make it pop?

I wouldn’t get too attached to anything; just try something out and see if it works. For example, instead of the barely-shaded thumbnails on a plain wooden background, try adding more depth to the icons with overdramatic shadows (Gaussian blurs in gimp can be your friend, or even a blender render). Make it more interactive as well—instead of the boring icons, you could have all of the weapon icons start as silhouettes, and then make them appear with color when you select them. Maybe ditch UI completely and have physical models with cool camera tricks. Or have consolidated categories kind of like in Phantom Forces.

The world is your oyster. Get mad. Place images of kittens in all of this empty space!

I’m sure there’s some useful constructive feedback in there…
[/armchair aesthetic philosophy]


Little 4K character render of myself I have been constantly tweaking the lighting on, almost to a point where i can call it finished


Currently working on two projects: an RPG and a fan game of a childhood favorite game of mine.


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Changed my MVP GUIs for this game to be a bit better




This one appears to have weird / inconsistent spacing issues due to the ease of having it mobile compatible as well with only a different position and size.

Todo is add icons for the options, personal library, most popular, and a non text stop, play and checkmark icon.

Store vs inventory


Love the interface changes.

Looks nice and modern. :stuck_out_tongue:

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very well done, as always :wink:

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you know what’s going down…


Blender or C4D?