What are you working on currently? (2018)

So um, a little bit ago I ended development on Space Frontier, and have been working on a new project.

Don’t wanna give out too many details on the project yet, but if you guys know anything about Space Frontier I’m sure that you know it has some pretty terrible GUIs. Been trying to work on that for this next game.

Not that it is super technically impressive or anything, but here’s my hp bar, hunger bar, and timer guis for the game so far.


Commisions when mah dude.

I may have a suggestion to help with performance on lower tier machines while allowing higher tier machines continue with the detailed effects.

Checking base on their graphic level settings, you can either generate detailed parts as the paint or generate a fewer parts with a BillboardGui to imitate the detailed effects as a visual illusion.

Just a suggestion, I want to know what do you think. :slight_smile:

SurfaceGuis are a no-go since they are rendered on top of explosions and particles at certain angles. They are also shaded weirdly.

Also painting doesn’t seem to be a performance bottleneck anymore (at least with a 1-stud grid).

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Oh I see.

That’s great to hear. Your project is quite interesting.

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Once again a school project has motivated me to do development work in Roblox Studio, this time its for a machine learning class. The project I am working on is to teaching a space ship to drive using Neural Networks. The challenge here is that its a space ship, which races on tracks in some-what 3D space (normal 2D elements plus loops, corkscrews, etc.).

To begin I knew I couldn’t use just single rays to gather input on the track (the track is not flat btw), so I developed a raycast system that basically crawls along the track, that is, if the ray hits a road piece, it will match the normal of the road and fire another ray in the original direction the ray was being fired. If a wall is hit, it gets returns the total distance the ray has travel and normalizes it to a value between 0 to 1 to feed as input to the neural network.

Since the class taught us how Neural Networks work using the back propagation algorithm, I decided I would use the back propagation algorithm as well. However, the BP algorithm requires training data to function correctly, so to gather valid training data, I myself would drive the space ship a few laps around the track (making sure to not hit any walls) recording the inputs I give to the ship (i.e. gas, steering, strafing etc.) as the correct outputs the Neural Network should give, given the values returned by my raycast system. With this data I plug it into the BP algorithm to train the Neural Network.

It took awhile to get the inputs and outputs for the Neural Network just right, but I think I finally got it now. Here is some results after training it for only 20-32 so laps. (The spheres in the videos is to visualize how my raycasting system is collecting input data to feed to the Neural Network).


Small mockup I did today for a feature I’d like to see on API member pages at some point in the future.
Per-platform rollout statuses for FFlag’d features!


Not all of us can speak [insert any language you don’t remotely understand here].

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I’d love to have something like “can I use” for ROBLOX, especially as we will eventually have certain features that are not available on a particular set of devices. (like a gyroscope on a PC)

Here we go again. 1/2 clothing commissions completed.


What’s this for? And is there a plug-in that turns parts into terrain like that?

A game that should be ready for alpha release in the next few weeks.

And I wish… just a lot of editing

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It’s fairly easy to do on the command line, although you’ll get some artifacts as a result (so you’ll have to manually smooth it out). Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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Renders fully in-roblox using the workspace:FindPartOnRay() function.


That’s awesome! Have you considered adding a denoising system? I think it would really help with clearing up the images.


Some stuff (Rocket isn’t ours it’s being used as a place holder)


Whew, long time coming.



Spent the last two days working on a new price sheet

price sheet

Still have plans to work on it more, wanna eventually have all custom icons.


I’ve been working on a lot of C++ stuff outside of Roblox for school over the past few years. Made this rendering engine by hand using only OpenGL, glew for binding, SOIL, and SDL2 for windows/user input. Also I kinda borrowed the Roblox default sky box for cube mapping.

About the reflections and refractions, the technique I used is way too slow for normal game play. It needs to get 6 rendered views of the scene per object to be used for a reflection/refraction cube map. It was only really possible because this was a simple 1 object (plus 7 light source orb) scene.

I also need to optimize my rendering pipeline to take advantage of deferred rendering so phong lighting for every light isn’t being calculated for every pixel even if it is just going to be overwritten. I used a toned down version of this rendering engine for a game team project and this is what we made:


After much… much… much… way too much work. I have finally decided upon a basic finalized mapflow for the sandbox game I’m making. I’ve made sure to incorporate all ideas for the game so far into it. I mean, right now it doesn’t look like much, but once we start adding assets (which we’ve already developed), the map will look amazing.

Right now I’m not trying to exhibit too much by using words since, it’s more impressive to show and not tell. Dev should speed up with the map pretty soon. (FYI: The smaller island to the left will be part of the skybox, not actual area that the player can explore. All illustrated paths are the crucial to gameplay.)