What are you working on currently? (2019)

Ambient Occlusion in my Roblox Studio renderer! This means corners and insides of things are darker. Technically speaking what it does it look around it to see how close it is to other objects. The closer other walls/stuff are the darker the area gets (like the leaves having dark spots in more than just the shadowy areas)

Compare this inside shot to the same interior shot I have in the post above ^ (3rd pic)


I’m surprised nobody posted in 18 hours… anyways here’s what I’ve been working on!

Color science is much more accurate, and I now have an exposure setting! It let’s dark rooms be visible & bright areas be much better balanced without being washed out.

This last render took over 300 million rays to create! 512 Ambient Occlusion rays per pixel, 512 soft shadow rays per pixel.


Space Frisbee type thing I just put together, based on Echo VR. I might end up continuing this to make a game out of it.


I’ve noticed that trend lately, taking popular VR games, and making them non-VR

I’ll be honest, a good 60% of my desire to buy a VR headset was because i saw UpIsNotJump’s videos on them, so it seems smart to port (As best you can) from VR to 2d

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Spent some time modeling some fish yesterday (:


The music is the only thing holding the game back from being perfect. It just doesn’t have the tune needed to bring in the perfect game. Other then that, amazing and certain something I like o:

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Playing around with some models.

Also happy with this walking animation.


Worked on the shading quite a bit!

Here’s some before/after shots at similar angles (pictures I’ve posted on here before vs. the re-render now!)

Notice how the side air-intake of this now has some light inside it. The colors are also much less washed out on the after picture & the ambient/shadows under the car & tank are now much softer.

Here’s another of the tent interior. Exposure was slightly different on this one but small details like the darkness of the leaves underneath other leaves is much better balanced. The before shot pretty much blacks them out and removes all color. I also redid the way Ambient Occlusion works so it’s much less aggressive about indoor environments and cares moreso about what’s directly nearby… as shown in the next set of renders…

Really proud of the progress on this one. Corners are no longer ambiguous and the shadows have a much nicer umbra & penumbra (part of shadow that’s completely dark vs the gradient part since it’s only partly dark).

Here’s a good example of how the color science has improved since the last time I tried rendering this room (inside of Happy home in Robloxia)


Finished up another UGC concept item, I think this one might be a bit too big… but the people have spoken, there is a want for this. Pretty happy to have started something! On the technical side though, this model started out as an actual AE86 for the first 4 hours.

before I squashed it down onto the Robloxian body:

Spent another 2 hours editing topology to make it look nicer and fit under the vert limit:

As you can see, the wheel wells look 100x better from 2 hours ago. And about 4 hours later I had finished texturing the car in Substance Painter before re importing it into Blender before spending the last 2 final hours setting up the render(s) and rendering the model. All in all this model was done in 12 hours, with the majority of the work being completed in a single day. The end result is quite nice:


Currently working on some fabulous lighting :wink:


At long last done with tweaking the terrain generation!
(caves, flowers, tall grass etc to be added later)

and, a few quick shader tests with this awesome seed I found by pure chance!


I just finished this little medieval style house. It was really challenging working on it while i had school and other stuff. But i guess it looks good :smiley:



Created a fully working chunk loader built to work specifically for my roblox game :D!

Here is a video of me testing it out with a 2D perlin noise terrain generator:

It comes with render distance, and chunk size to properly load / unload parts. It also does this in a grid instead of using magnitude to get how far away objects are.

The only disadvantage is over time, the game gets laggier.

The next thing I am gonna work on is making the terrain generator use 3D perlin noise, instead of 2D perlin noise.


You may be interested in the open sourced terrain generator by @dogwarrior24 and the open sourced smooth terrain improvement by @TheKitDev in the same thread.

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I am planning on studying it when I have time (Because its open sourced lol), then probably use some of the stuff in there in my game.



ooo I’m digging this. Are those trees made out of particles?

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They are indeed :)))))))))))))

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That looks really good. I like the color and the outdoorness of it. Amazing Job.

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