What are you working on currently? (2019)

Somewhere in July I started a kinda old post-apocalyptic bunker project.


I’m working on a Christmas themed game where players will be able to do missions and hang out with other players
I have been working on this during the final months of the last 2 years, so I hope this turns out to be liked by the community :slight_smile:

Working on a roleplaying/life simulator game set in a 21st Century city in a fictional New York.


How heccing big are your fuel tanks that it takes 100+ dollars to fill up? Even my '86 Jaguar with 2 full sized tanks only costs 80 to fill


I relate to this.
My car was a Ford F-350, with two diesel gas tanks. Was not unheard of for fill up to rise over 100.


Had fun today remaking my roblox studio renderer!

Alongside code/usability improvements I redid shadows so they look much better (no angle artifacting!) and I implemented a cool algorithm that I call short-stop.

Here’s a specially-rendered version that highlights short-stopped pixels in red/blue. Blue = pixel predicted that it’s in direct sunlight so it stops rendering early. Red = pixel predicted that it’s in direct shadow so it also stops rendering early. Result is 65% less render time! This comes in really handy when you’re drawing 257 rays per pixel… rendertime went from 200+ seconds to below 90 seconds.

Here’s a full render…

and here’s the same render with short-stop enabled… 65% less render time


Nice. Is this just for fun or is it used productively? Just in Studio or also in game?

i have been pretty busy with school these last 2 weeks, so i didn’t really make anything super cool but i just made this little wooden shield. Screenshot_1171 Screenshot_1170



Oh man- that is some juicy recoil. Nicely done.

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Been working on a few small tweaks to the Blox Survival terrain generator, take a look at this!


Wow, nice! (P.S: I made a really late comment, but you should make a game of these.) :smile:

Made something really satisfying

If you want more i can post more :heart:


From Hole io mobile game, right? How did you accomplish that?


Yes took inspiration from that :blush:

It is very simple actually
I literally cut a rectangular hole in the baseplate by some simple math and fill it with that hole model :hugs:


Node based shape editing to be used for my spaceship customization game!


How are you creating the ‘fill’ in this? I tried something similair to this earlier in the year, but my attempt ended up no-where near as smooth as what you’ve got here!

It’s more than likely a polygon triangulation algorithm, though you’re probably already aware of that. The easiest to make is called “ear clipping.” I published a module for one earlier this year but there are 2 bugs that I’ve yet to fix. I also made a presentation of it for school, but I can’t find it now. :confused:

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Yep! Except mine is probably coded much less efficiently than any in that article. Here’s how I did it

Step 1: link the various nodes together

Step 2: draw a line between all the nodes forming a perimeter

Step 3: draw the internal lines, I did this by having the code follow two rules, if you can see the node without being obstructed by another line, draw to it

Step 4: this method does lead to a problem though, as there are now lines drawn outside the perimeter. In order to fix this I shot rays between the inner lines to determine how many I could connect without crossing a border boundary. The collection of inner lines that had the most connections was kept, all others were deleted.

Step 5: I then organized the nodes into triangles. What I did was a few layers of loops that went through and checked which nodes were connected via lines, and then which nodes those nodes connect to, then finally if any of those nodes connected back to the original. If so those 3 nodes were added to a table tracking triangles

Step 6: This previous method led to many duplicate triangles. Originally I tried to do a bunch of for loops to compare all the triangles, however than ended up being too laggy. Instead I used the positions of the individual nodes and added them together + running it through a few other formulas. This returned a unique number for each triangle that was the same no matter what order the points were combined. I then compared this unique triangle code with the others and deleted duplicates.

Step 7: Now that I had a list of triangles I created a function which converted a triangle point into a combination of 2 right triangles. This was done through finding the point on the hypotenuse that lined up perpendicularly with the non hypotenuse point. Once I had that point I was able to do some cframing to place a wedgepart on each side of the point, creating the shape of an irregular triangle. I then applied this method to all the triangles.

Step 8: I stopped coding for a few days to recover

In conclusion: this is almost definitely not the best way to do this, but it works and doesn’t cause any performance issues for polygons with less than 20-25 sides. Hope this helps!


I switched over the particles
pretty sparse if you stop and stare at it, but if you’re in motion the illusion seems to hold up fine