Working on an old house entrance.
I am remaking my cutscene system. This is one of the cutscenes I made with the environment removed.
The squared are camera positions(ones of the same color are a pane).
The green parts are for particles.
The small red part is a sound part.
The larger pale red parts are the character positions.
The white thin part is the dialog position.
The very small white parts are light positions.
The brown part is the item position.
Practice makes perfect, I’ve been building for about 4 years.
A smaller moon might help feed the realism. The large moon just makes it feel cartoon-y to me.
This is amazing! Whatever game this is for, I’ll play…!
Unfortunately it’s not for any game , I just needed something for my portfolio.
Anyways thanks for the support!
Working on a project outside of Roblox, getting bit tired doing the same thing over and over on Roblox soo, working on a more challenging project. Design my own armor, model it and sculpt in details after I’m finish in blocking it in.
Yes, fans of a certain game will see I’m taking some,inspiration from a certain iconic armor, however adding in a few extras.
Very neat, are you planning to make this open-source or sell it on?
I’m working on a new train simulator based on British Railways and Trains. Here is one of the locomotives - the SW Class 444. Other locos include a class 450, 43, and a Virgin class 390
I’m currently working on the scenery and some GUIs.
Looks extremely accurate as i see these at Waterloo Great job, but just make the text more bold as its not really clear.
Pioneers is a full game, it just happens to include some highly technical components. It also is already open source! The project repository can be found here GitHub - mystydev/Pioneers: A persistent strategy game focused on simplistic yet deeply strategic mechanics..
All of the code and nearly all of the assets are in there however some private information, such as api keys, has been hidden to protect from exploiters. If you wanted you could recreate the entire game from that repository! You would just have an incredibly hard time and if you did get it running you would have to understand it well enough that I’d happily hire you. The project is open source so if people are curious enough they can see how I achieved certain things, not so they can just copy code.
Looks good and I may be wrong here but adding turning wheels can really help improve the look of the car chassis as it doesn’t look like it currently has this in place. There are many ways you can do this, my favourite is having the original wheel simply an invisible Cylinder or Sphere then adding the wheel mesh inside of this part and welding it then tweening the new wheel mesh or part with a script.
I love how developers, like you, are beginning to open source their work as well as develop more complicated and high-level systems. Really shows how roblox as a platform is starting to develop.
I’ll definitely check out the repository and try and reverse engineer your work to better understand it, thank you.
I don’t plan on replicating the game as personally I find that to be detrimental to the development ecosystem and roblox as a whole. It’s also not fair on the developers who have poured months on their life into the game. Especially when the game is cloned and credit isn’t even addressed.
When the games released please let me know, I’d love to be one of the first to check it out. I’m a huge fan of the type of game you are creating and would love to support you on your journey.
Wow, consider me impressed.
I had no idea creating such detailed meh’s and textures was feasible on roblox.
I make models on blender but always found too many issues to design much other than in low poly due to count limits and importing issues but you have proven me wrong, I will definitely try coming back around to this! Congratulations on you’re amazing work!
The chassis uses hinge constraints, and does feature turning (and powered) wheels
However, they are practically invisible since the wheels don’t have much color or physical distinction to them. As to your idea about fake wheels welded to the real ones, I am currently using this and it’s been working great.
Really nice. Out of interest how long did this game take to make and was it just you or have you got a team?
Graphics look butter smooth, really impressed and glad this games doing well for you. Nice to see someone take inspiration from a beloved game changing…game and make it their own!
If you want any help implementing this model into a working avatar on Roblox I’d be happy to help for free as it’s so original and intriguing. Congratulations on that design it’s very good.
Thanks for the feedback. The text on the side is at an angle where it’s difficult to view but when you use see the train from the side the text is clear.