What are you working on currently? (2019)

Making an Arena for a monster based fighting game.


Smooth and clean :upside_down_face:

Are you thinking of adding those seats you can fold around the stadium? Imagine how nasty it would be sitting on the concrete ground/steps when people spill their drinks or food.


Imagine how nasty it would be, when all those seats have to fold up at the same time. THE FRAMES lol. But that seems like it would be a task and a half to make them fold up. Would be cool though.


That would be chaotic all the players in the server.

What I meant was to just simply build those types of seats and duplicate it around the stadium just for the visuals.


Doesn’t match with the rest of the stadium’s style.

Seeing as even the windows aren’t actual objects.


And that the seating area is already one of the most condensed areas (look at how the steps compare to the rest of the flat area.) I think it’s to say that seats aren’t required or will just make the quality worse.


Sounds like a fair argument. I thought perhaps I should offer an open suggestion to the builder, since we are aware that the stadium is still a work in progress, as stated here:

I would absolutely like to try it out!
Currently working on an RPG so I have got some mobs that can be used. May I have your Discord or should I contact you through DevForum?
Looking forward to the AMAZING results!

That back ground music gave me flashbacks :cry::cry::cry::cry: minecraft

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That is true, the main purpose for the build is to just make the arena itself (structure wise), where the players can fight in the middle with other monsters, as far as I know the person I work for doesn’t really want people roaming around the stadium so lol


UI stuff

Inspired by this game when I saw it randomly on Reddit months ago.


That’s awesome! Very neat design, I love how you incorporated materials into the buttons, gotta see more of this in Roblox UI!

:sob: why roblox whyyy

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Instantly thought it looked like something straight out of a Nintendo game!
Fantastic UI work, is it for an upcoming project or for personal enjoyment? None the less, it’s insanely good and I definitely agree with the point made by @nurgenius.


i love dragalia lost’s design. the ui design is so fluid and the music is A1


Updated my canyon city with all the new content I’ve added. Let me know what you think! I’m still planning on adding more, I’ve just finished a good portion and felt like it was a good time to update.


I am working on a Paintball game, not sure if it will be a success, but it will be a good start for me as a Developer. Doing little comissions too.


Wanted to rebuild one of my old builds from 2011 to see how much I’ve improved in 8 years. What do you guys think?




Are those speakers made by yourself or were they bought from an asset pack? they appear textured, which is why I’m asking.

It’s a free mesh that I found in the Meshes from the Toolbox.

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I need a good reply from professional modelers.
The holding part of this blade is supposed to be the bone.
Does this bone actually looks like bone? Are there any possibilities I could improve it?


Is this better?

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