What are you working on currently? (2020)

Toss a coin to your Witcher!


Reworked my custom collider. The old one had issues trying to identify the collision point when the two parts are at certain angles. (ex: Look @ the Old collision point when the blue part is above the red, it does a weird behavior where it predicts the collision to be in the center of the blue part… which obviously isn’t right).

That being said, the new collider isn’t perfect, but it’s just for particle positions so it doesn’t matter too much since it can run 4,200 times per second on my laptop :smiley:

Here’s why it’s useful :smiley: Angle of sparks + location using just 1 hitbox part.

Physics @ half speed

Full speed physics


I am still learning how to code, but I have made some cool old wooden structures.

When you release it, please make a post on it or message me, I would love to play that!

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An old western-style city, (or at least what I am aiming for); it has not much to it as I just started, though I posted this to get some ideas. Tell me what I should add and/or take out, or change!


Is there any little kind cute chance you open source this wonderful masterpiece of yours :hugs:

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Work enough on my game Approaching Neptune (already out on Alpha) and make it way better. I believe it can reach the top of the charts and I wanna see it grow. Gotta try to make a house system, and more weapons, a way to buy money, Daily quest, etc.

Lot of work, I don’t even now if I can do it all but… gonna keep trying.

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Those are very nice. Keep up the great work :slight_smile:

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@luathon what’s gonna be the name of the game. Looks like it could be fun. Also if it’s out or when it comes out maybe send me the link… ?

Still working on Cloudstone.

A link for anyone interested: Cloudstone - Roblox


I made a basic obby showcasing EgoMoose’s gravity controller.

(Credit to EgoMoose)


About 70% complete.


Quick showcase.

Link: Makicito | Showcase - Roblox


Started creating the main menu on the habbo hotel prototype (I’ll just call it herickman’s hotel for now since I received no name suggestions).

The public server list is currently working, it shows the name of the room and the number of players connected, when you click on the room, you will be able to get more details like the room’s description and who is connected.


Dolls! (those creepy things that stare at you from the foot of your bed whilst you sleep)

Edit: In case anyone wants to play the game click here


What programs do you use? @anon81993163


The program I used is Logic Pro X.


Building a secure facility which has a nice little secure core in it, just finished the first draft :slight_smile:

Long way to go but it’s starting to look like something decent haha

The Core module being deployed:
At the moment it uses a serverside script w/ CFraming to move, I plan to execute the same movement on a local script using tweenService in the next iteration.

The Main Core module itself:
I’m particularly fond of the randomization script I wrote for the lights on the panel. When the game starts, each light is assigned a frequency, and they blink at that set frequency randomly changing (based on some probability constants) to R,G,B, or Black. There is a constant which controls the range of frequencies the lights can have. I have a counter which constantly increments in a while activated loop and resets to 0 when it reaches the highest possible frequency. When the counter is reset there is a 25% chance the frequencies of all of the lights well change. Did I go a bit overboard just for some blinking lights? Maybe. Do I care? Not really.

Close up of the Core
CloseUp of the core GIF
Mmm, blue :slight_smile:


Probably my favorite audio I’ve made so far!


I started swinging Sweet Dreams to your track lol, love it :slight_smile: