What are you working on currently? (2021)

Sheeeeshh that looks so clean.

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As of now, I’m not working on a game, since I first need to improve my scripting skills, which is my main goal for now. But, I want to start working on a game in the next month or two. I already have a rough game idea, I just don’t have the skills yet (Who knows, maybe I’ll post here again or in the 2022 thread if I manage to make it)!

Haha thanks.

The trick of the trade is to use really thin cylinders at the edges of corners (or bevel them in Blender, same difference) to get rid of sharp edges. It makes everything look cleaner and a bit more realistic as well


Dude stop. You’re killing me with cuteness. :pleading_face:

I’m definitely not taking that building technique right now… :sunglasses:

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I have a lot of game ideas that I want to do but I’m focused on developing and making one of my game better. I’m working for my game called Crushing Wall, still fixing some of glitches and bugs

I am going to start a game called Tase Your Friends where you click people in the game to tase them. Yes, it will have a short cooldown to help avoid spam.

Ah thanks, this will be very helpful for the future!

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It’s a simple project that I’m doing to improve my scripting skills.

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wow how’d you get that wood so perfect?

I love the wood on that thing! Looks insanely good.

The floor is a MeshPart; I used PBR maps from textures.com and a SurfaceAppearance, and did some UV editing in Blender to allow the SurfaceAppearance to tile



I was bored so I decided to make a small thing.
~ Made purely for the screen shots ~

But if you wanna play it then here


Yeah I know, it cannot be perfect :sweat_smile:
The recognition is based on machine learning, I could improve it eventually by tweaking some settings :slight_smile:

Made somethin fun today, thought I’d share it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
anyways, Enjoy!


That’s the most complex vegetation I’ve ever seen

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Kind of adding on to this, introducing Embedded Ro-Chat:

