I’m giving old Roblox a fresh coat of paint with Brickbattle Revive. All the tools have been rescripted from scratch and tweaked a bit. Here’s a custom map I made myself that’s work in progress at the moment:
Got rid of the issue where scanning took significantly longer each time you scanned the environment. By creating a precache of at least 1024 tracers and CFraming them into position whenever the player scans. Afterwards, if the cache is below its minimum size, it’s repopulated with new tracer parts.
I’m currently working on a game called Turf Wars that we recently moved to public alpha testing! The game is pretty cool if you ask me and if you have any feedback then I would love to hear it!
If you want an easy way to get GI, just up the bounces on the rays. I can explain why it works, but in simple terms GI is just really rough reflections.
Not a whole lot changes from 2 bounces to 4 bounces, but it does slowly improve. Even with all those bounces, there are still some pretty dark shadows.
(The shadows are even brightened in the code by 25%, is this intended lighting behaviour? i’m not too sure. This approach at global illumination doesn’t even seem to work properly and ends up taking a lot of processing power, unless I am completely missing something)
Ok that’s a bit strange. Do you have some sort of roughness cutoff in place? What’s the roughness and metallicness of the materials? Are you taking into account light absorption? What is the sun brightness?
I don’t know why it’s not working since light in the real world behaves like this. If you have support for rough reflections then this should be working fine. We’ll it’s probably stupidly inefficient anyways and I’m too lazy to write anything down so maybe this video will help.