I am working on Ottawa Airport
Right? I love how chunky and weighty it is. I’m mildly arthritic in my wrists and have trouble using my hands sometimes, so it’s one of the only pens I own that I can comfortably write with over a long period of time.
Anyway, to keep this post on topic, here’s another model I’ve been working on:
This is obviously only the beginning stages of it, but work on it is slow as I’ve been distracted with other things…
Super packed forests with custom LOD system
Theres ~2000 trees in this forest
Up close (Meshes)
Farther away (Uses flat images of the tree)

Farthest (Uses large parts with decals)
Today, I’ve discovered that I can retexture dynamic heads; With this knowledge, I’ve began to edit the Stevie Standard head to more closely resemble Mary’s 2D face texture.
I definitely like the head better with this retexture; I know the original was meant to resemble the classic smile texture, but I like the use of color here instead of pure black on the eyes and mouth. What do you think about this? (I know the facial expression’s odd since she has her tongue out, but I just finished texturing that part.)
EDIT 1: I added two extra screenshots of my experience’s basic smile and frown expressions, to give a better idea of how the modified face would look in action.
EDIT: 2 Her teeth are also more detailed, with a subtle texture and at least 12 lines.
Started working on my game’s options menu.
There’s probably going to be a lot more than this, but I’m not entirely sure what else to put here yet.
A disaster game.
Here’s a map:
oh also note: i didnt do this by myself @Relxiety and ZombiePinguin10 have helped me
and yes this is one of my first games.
Damn dude, I love the scale of it. Looks really good!!!
always wanted to make a GTA map of that scale but my PC does not permit it…but I did make a smaller version though.
when you just spam some pbr meshes to make a “highway in mountain with a bridge going over a waterfall” scene (still a wip lol)
i forgot to save it and i have to do it all over again what have i doneeeeee
They look really good!! like you said, the cup handles could be better. But besides that, amazing!
donuts and coffee, a classic render, truly. Looks cool.
As a small developer, nothing much, the problem is that I cannot stick my mind into a small idea which could give off a few problems, usually not being able to complete a build I started.