My Creations & Info


I am 16 years old and have been programming on Roblox for ~5 years, but have been making games for even longer.

I mainly work solo but also have experience working in teams. I love making innovative projects with unique (and optimized) features.

You can find ways to contact me at the bottom of this post.

Last updated on 1/23/25

Here’s some of my creations!

Open Sourced:


AnimationSounds - Fast, Versatile, & Secure

tier - layered game framework

Tier - Layered game framework

Commissioned Systems/Games:

Gun/Game framework

Modular, strictly typed framework which consists of controllers/services, including camera, input bindings, custom tool system, replicated data, etc. The gun system is also unexploitable.

(everything visual is just placeholders)

Roll system like RB Battles's

Personal Systems:

Surface Droplets Simulation

v1: What are you working on currently? (2024) - #1648 by baseparts
v2: What are you working on currently? (2024) - #1832 by baseparts

Interior Mapping: Fake 3d Interiors with a Single Flat Image

Interior Mapping: Fake 3d Interiors with a Flat Image

Rain System with Baked Collisions

I made a custom rain system which uses baked collisions meaning there is pretty much no performance cost besides rendering particles. Here’s the post: Rain with Baked Collisions (Super Performant)

Volumetric Smoke like Counter-Strike 2's

What are you working on currently? (2023) - #764 by baseparts

"BaseGrass" - Custom Performant Grass System (might open source sometime)

This is still one of my fav things I’ve made
BaseGrass - Custom Performant Grass System (Devlog)

Custom made Sunrays and Volumetric Shadows

This is hard to see on mobile phones since most pictures have lots of dark colors: What are you working on currently? (2022) - #4756 by baseparts

Terrain to Part

What are you working on currently? (2022) - #4465 by baseparts

Nature with Render Distance/LOD system

What are you working on currently? (2022) - #4539 by baseparts

Volumetric Light Beams using UI

What are you working on currently? (2022) - #4454 by baseparts

Personal Games:

Before Dawn

A very (!) brutal PvPvE packed with innovative features and a rich story.

  • This is still in early development, the game is only opened for periods of time
  • There is a LOT of blood and gore so be warned
  • You can follow my progress in my discord server (linked near bottom of post)

Before Dawn

Social Media in Roblox (Recording/Editing Videos, Watching User-Uploaded Content)

Orchid [Open for Feedback] - Roblox

Setup/Record videos: What are you working on currently? (2022) - #2824 by baseparts
Playing videos: What are you working on currently? (2022) - #1821 by baseparts
What are you working on currently? (2022) - #2065 by baseparts

8-Bit Stylized Plate Survival Game

This game is still in progress: Tiles - Roblox

Older Work:

Randomly Generated Buildings

Generated Detailed Buildings - Roblox

Flee the Fire (very old but still public)

Keep in mind I have improved a lot since this game. The only reason I’m including this here is because I really like the music I chose.
Flee the Fire (Outdated) 🔥 - Roblox

What project am I currently working on?

  • I’m currently working on a (very) brutal PvPvE called Before Dawn. It’s packed with innovative features and unique concepts that I’m pretty proud of. I’m frequently doing public tests and posting my progress in my discord server

Feel free to add my discord if you need to reach out:

My community:

My community Discord:

My community Youtube: