What are you working on currently? (2022)

I love your UI’s style, it fits your game so well! Games that have a retro stud theme often struggle to get good looking UI that’s consistent with their game’s theme, but your UI both looks amazing and fits your game super well!


On a more serious note, since my last post, I made a simple bridge that connects two islands


Okay, now I’m genuinely convinced that the WAYWOC either got delayed or cancelled. :skull:


Same. It’s already January 9th and we still don’t have the new thread…


You dropped it perfectly vertical Morty!


I actually flagged this topic and asked them to create a new one, and they replied saying, “Thanks for letting us know. We’re looking into it.”

I was considering creating the new topic myself, but then saw that someone else had tried to do that already, and it got closed and unlisted. I wonder why they’re taking so long this year.

Created my very first gun system


They seem to do this every year. Last year it took them about two weeks if I recall correctly.

I did this same thing my first time doing reflections! Here is the correct formula if your interested:

r = d - 2 * (d:Dot(n)) * n

Where d is the direction, n is the surface normal, and r is the reflection direction.

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Colorado State Highway 145 Inspired Build

This build is loosely based off of Colorado State Highway 145, with some added personal effects and details.

1A: Initial Rough Draft - From Reference shown in 1B.

1B: Reference for above showcase; Colorado State Highway 145.

2A: More Progress on scenery, added grass and other foliage on roadside for details.

3A: Taken on the opposite side of the highway from 2A; Added a little cottage and some corn crops, as well as a big tree.

4A: Added a new 2017 Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe; some more trees to fill in empty space.

5A: Both vehicles in the same shot.

6A: More foliage and showcase of Ram truck.

7A: Top-down view of the scene

*All Credits go solely to MassiveEdu

Thanks for reading! If you liked what you saw, feel free to drop a :heart: on the post!

Full Quality Images/Bundle: WAYWOC 2022: Fall/Country Inspired Build - Album on Imgur

Headers and Dividers Used: Highway 145: Headers/Dividers - Album on Imgur

Until next time, Toodaloo


Bro, that’s not Roblox anymore, it’s like you took it there in real life! Nice job dude!


The main problem for me, that I just forgot to fix, is that it reflects more than once. But wrong reflection was also an issue, the formula of which I didn’t have. Thanks!

Just implemented the formula.


Thank you, I really appreciate the positive feedback!

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University lecture hall
Game link


At the moment me and a couple of my friends are working on a game where you can explore the world, hidden secrets, chop down trees and build a wood processing factory. (Yes, the game is inspired by Lumber tycoon 2, but if we finish it, there will be much more opportunities, and resource extraction will not be limited by the tree). We are at the very beginning of this long journey, but in the next couple of months we will open early access to the game.


Looks very cool! I suggest making the border less square like

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This border will not remain square, while we are looking for options for how it could limit the world and look beautiful. Thanks for your feedback!

Working on the UI for my game. I’m really liking how it’s turning out!

Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 3.36.13 PM

I based the design off of some UI I found in simulators and Super Doom Spire’s UI.


Some assets for an upcoming innovative zero gravity sci-fi game, Explorers: Ad Astra.

Let me know if any of you are interested in testing it out in the future! Got some really cool stuff lined up for this year.


I am done programming and building the giant crossbow! The hard part is making a npc find the perfect spot to fire the ballista bolt at, while calculating arrow speed, distance to target, and gravity.

In the last screenshot, does the bullet go too far?

Does ballista bolt go too far (See the bolt at the end of the blue dots)
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


I’ve gotten back to roblox development and I’m doing a reusable Tycoon system as that’s one thing I’ve never done before!

Still thinking about some ideas about the theme of the Tycoon, ideas welcome!