What are you working on currently? (2022)

I’m currently working to start my own GFX commissions, mainly focussing on logos, icons, game passes, badges and advertisements. I’ve started in December 2021, and have managed to create the following solely using PDN;



( Game - [200+] 🌈 Super Rainbow Obby! - Roblox )



I am currently taking commissions, and if you are interested then feel free to send me a message on the DevForums, or add my Discord - Vauron#6850



In our first public game, me and my brothers, it seems that our friends loved the game and are enjoying playing it with us

This is the game link if you want to try the game


Gas station.


I spent 90 minutes making this one pet.

What I spent the 90 minutes on

1. Actually modeling the pet

  • Lots of detail.
  • Had to redo things because it didn’t look good.
  • Generally forgetting how blender works.

2. Making the fancy gradient texture

3. Baking the texture

  • Textures need to be a single image to export to roblox.
  • Gradient texture ~= Image texture
  • Unwrap texture so that it doesn’t look like garbage and actually bakes properly.
  • Redo baking 20 times because it still overlaps.

4. Texture details

5. Waiting for export

  • Takes forever
  • Just load already
  • Rage

That’s pretty much why it takes 90 minutes for a single pet and why I’ve lost any sanity that I had left in these last 90 minutes.


im still bored

anyways heres some caustics

might make a video/tutorial if i actually find a streamlined process to do this.

EDIT: did a rectangle

not the best but it looks decent.


There’s a lot I’ve done with my game. Or, at least a lot of work, since these quality of life features are taken for granted.

First off, I began using Rojo with Visual Studio Code. Rojo is a tool that lets you sync your code into your game from outside Roblox Studio. If the idea of using an external code editor sounds like an unnecessary waste of time, you’re missing out. Having my scripts saved externally allows you to use tools like Git, as well as provide protection against Roblox Studio crashing! cough cough Roblox’s servers going down cough

Okay, now to talk about what’s been shown in the video above.

  1. Quick-stacking (at 0:00, 0:07, and 0:11 marks): Double-clicking quickly fills in whatever you’re currently holding with the same items in your inventory. Looks simple, right? Not really. Items in your inventory are weighted, with the slots with the lowest quantity of items being used to fill in your held item first. For example, if you have two slots with the same item types, one with 64, and the other with 10, the latter slot (10) would get prioritized.

  2. Splitting (at the 0:02 and 0:12 marks): You can split items in your hand across different slots evenly, with the remainder going back into your hand. Simple, right? Not really. I would give a better explanation here but I’ve forgotten what the issues were after trying to get quick-stacking to feel just right.

  3. Spreading (at the 0:05 and 0:08 marks): You can spread items in your hand into slots, either deliberately by right-clicking on each slot, or by right-clicking and dragging. Simple, right? Actually, yes, this one was simple.



Part count ~1500


Katana Model.


Okay so i’ve been starting that project of making a Realistic Humanoid. For now , it seems a bit good

I didn’t add the torso lol (I’m working on that)


That litterly just scared me lol. Nice work tho!


I love this style of build. Any tips for creating this modern-day classic type of build?

1 Like

I have wanted to make an inventory system but I have no idea how to start, or how to do the sort of cell manipulation or representation required. What would you recommend?

Made this post

Medieval building:


I don’t think I would be much of a help.

There’s many different ways to create an inventory, so I’ll just give you general tips that can be applied to any system you want to make. First off, I recommend with keeping the inventory structure in Lua, then later reading that data to display in your GUI. Keep your inventory data and GUI separate!

If you want the short version of the following information, scroll all the way to the bottom.

Cell storage: Each cell is just another table in a table inside of a ModuleScript. I’ll use this as an example:

local inventory = {
  [1] = {
    ["ID"] = 1,
    ["Quantity"] = 831,

  [5] = {
    ["ID"] = 2,
    ["Quantity"] = 43,

-- usage: itemInformation[Item ID]
local itemInformation = {
  [1] = {Other useful info}

local firstItemSlot = inventory[1]
local firstItemInfo = itemInformation[firstItemSlot.ID] -- item info

At slot 1, we can get the item’s information through its ID, as well as the quantity of that item in the slot. With the ID, we can get other information about the item, such as the max stack, in a different table.

You can manipulate the data afterwards, which is what I believe is the most complex and specific part.

Manipulation: This part requires knowledge of how to manipulate data in a table. For example, if you want to swap slots, here is what you would do…

local function swapSlots(firstIndex: number, secondIndex: number)
  -- Not optimized at all, just a general idea
  -- First we get their references
  local firstItem = inventory[firstIndex]
  local secondItem = inventory[secondIndex]

  -- Now, move them
  inventory[secondIndex] = firstItem
  inventory[firstIndex] = secondItem

Representation: Whenever a slot is modified, we should tell the inventory GUI that it needs to update those slots. How it’s represented depends on you.

Networking: I haven’t gotten to this part yet, but what I’m doing is manipulating the inventory through the client and not replicating that to the server. You can do sanity checks on the server, such as if it’s impossible for an item to be picked up or if the item is even in the inventory.


  1. Store your inventory as a table
  2. Each item in your inventory should have an ID associated with it
  3. Manipulation of the inventory is just manipulating a table

And as a warning, working on the inventory alone took around 10 hours for me.


Polys: 3,780
Verts: 3,821


The 2D games continue!!

This one is a little less focused than the others I’m working on. It’s just going to be a simple shoot em’ up style boss fight. I purposely made it progressively more difficult as the boss switches through different phases, when it’s health deteriorates.
It’s not easy, can’t even beat it myself :huh:.

Also added a leaderboard for completion times.

Try it here


Some blender models I made today :smiley:
I still need some ideas. If you got some, comment them. I would be really happy!


A sword fight game! So far, it’s not working out, but I’m almost there!

How long did it take to model/texture those cars?

Not really working on this currently, but thought I’d share anyway. And yes, I am obsessed with Sci-Fi lol

Both of these are unfinished