What are you working on currently? (2022)

I can’t access the topic. Was it deleted?


Level Progress



A couple of days ago, saw this FANTASTIC cinematic by Testobrit, and so I thought I would design some sounds for it. Enjoy :smile:

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Model Slicing!


I was literally laying in bed, pondering on how I would create a slicing effect (for a cooking game) without using unions lol

But very nice, no delay, lag, or errors with the sizing, keep up the good work :+1:

Edit: the dog (or whatever that white thing was lol) at the end is a mesh?, if so how did you create the effect on meshes?


i’m currently working on growing my clothing Group i would love to hear your thoughts about it, not much but i thought i could post after being gone for a bit of time. :thought_balloon:

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I think he said it because of the white outline on the shirt, a large sign that a clothing item had been copy pasted.

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but it is still my stuff he can’t just say that it is not and slender my name with it if it is not at least 100% true

I cannot make out a single word you said, but it probably translates to

But it’s still my stuff, he can’t just assume that I stole it and ??? Without at least 100% evidence of it.

He made an assumption, because of heavy evidence of his claim. That’s all.

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heavy evidence?? i did pay someone to make it i didn’t steal it…

Made some clean GUI buttons.


Well hopefully they didn’t steal it, because that looks like someone just pasted an image on the roblox template or whatever custom template. You should Reverse Image Search it just to make sure!

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its not stolen they did send me process a few times.

Hmm alright, have you tried reverse image searching it?

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Sorry but i wil not click on that link in got scammed one time and i dont want that to be happened again.

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I can vouch that the site is a trusted site.
edit oopsie i forgot to press reply


I’m using viewportframes, so non-base parts should not be a problem!

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Now how did I end up in a swamp cemetary. :thinking:


You are using ViewportFrames?, are you placing the object out of the viewports bounds for the effect? genuinely curious :thinking: