I would love to see a game done by you, @LandnBlu , and @KristinaMoment ! I bet it would be great. Everything you guys post I like!
“Oh? You’re approaching me?”
Looks great, keep it up!
Last year I made a Low Poly Mansion that took a lot of time to make.
And this year I’m working on an Obby Commission!
I don’t even know
Smooth Camera Work
watermark included for watermark reasons
progress so far on 2 environments. made with materialservice using textures primarily from textures.com
Been doing a lot of procedural level generation work recently. Just finished up the main hallway generation and room generation. This can generate any size map with lots of customization of all the different features including hallway shapes, bulkead doors, % of hallway ends or rooms, # of rooms & what sizes, simple or complex hallway structure, hallway variant “biomes” % size of each variant, etc.
Hello roblox, I was working on Nanomachines. They harden in response to physical trauma. Here is a demo of what you can do with them.
- You can punch your friends without getting hurt
Punch Demo - You can control and generate heat from your body and use it to interact with your environnment
Fire Demo - You can use it to regenerate yourself or assert dominance on your friends
Regeneration demo
I took 1 day to make this game with my friend, and graphics are stunning!
I’m really excited for the 3D volumetric clouds in roblox! Keep the hard work!
I wonder what you’re doing too
Here’s the source code if anyone wants it
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Spring = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Spring)
return function()
local dots = script.Parent.Loading.Main.Dots:GetChildren()
local connections = {}
local rot = 0
local function lerp(a, b, t)
return a + (b - a) * t
table.sort(dots, function(a, b)
return tonumber(a.Name) < tonumber(b.Name)
for i, dot in ipairs(dots) do
local offset = dot.Position.X.Offset
local y = 0
table.insert(connections, RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(dt)
local t = os.clock() - (i*0.3)
y = lerp(y, math.sin(t*2.5) * 30, 1)
dot.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, offset, 0, y)
-- for fade effect
--local trail = dot:Clone()
--trail.Parent = dot.Parent
--Spring.target(trail, 1, 6, { BackgroundTransparency = 1 })
--Debris:AddItem(trail, 0.3)
-- for rotation (180 is the rotation amount in degrees)
-- RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
-- local t = os.clock()
-- rot = lerp(rot, math.sin(t) * 180, 1)
-- script.Parent.Loading.Main.Dots.Rotation = rot
-- end)
Yea I deleted cause I needed to make some changes and stuff, sorry!
Working on an Obby game with different worlds/dimensions. Quests are involved.
This game is definitely going to be a huge project showing off what I have learnt from making Nouveau Ice Skating - I couldn’t be more proud of myself so far!
This is an exert from stage/world 1 “Land of the Shrooms”