What are you working on currently? (2022)

For a commission.


When I saw this, I recognized right away who made it. Great work!

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Oh ok my bad, thanks for reminding me!

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help this looks bad idk why :pleading_face:


It looks fine to me. It just needs more decoration and windows.



I don’t know if you knew this, but that giant ball in the first image has Butthead’s face on it, a character from the MTV show Beavis And Butthead (a show that’s very near and dear to me!). I’m just letting you know because your game could possibly get taken down. Be careful!

I was so shocked when I saw that face LOL, it’s my favorite show

Oh, I see.Thank you, but I used the one on the developer market place, is it possible to have a problem?

Even if it is on the marketplace doesn’t mean they have or you have permission to use copyrighted material. Stay safe, and yeah Roblox is really strict about copyright just hope your game doesn’t get deleted

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Oh, I see. I didn’t know. I should be careful next time Thank you.

i’m currently working on a new fighting game project with friends : D
the project is called SAISEI再生 and it’s a game i’m very passionate in working on (after my last project ZOぞ, now called ZO ぞ SAMURAI)

i’ve also started out on learning modelling and animating in blender, however i don’t have any examples to show off yet since i’d still like to experiment a little more


Eyes are bloodshot, it is 4 in the morning and I am making tree textures from scratch. I am losing my mind…


Pretty much a 1:1 recreation of the NS 6313, a steam locomotive used by Dutch Railways built in 1931. Started this project on 25 september 2020, and I’ve put hundreds of hours into modelling & research.

The locomotive can be viewed with freecam (shift P) here.


Currently working on a game called “Normal Obby

Some Screenshots:

More updates coming soon!


Now this is better. :happy2:


Fantasy Wooden Fort


fun game. Why can’t I go any further than stage 26? The path is leading to nowwhere

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What gun is that? It looks super futuristic and looks like it could be as powerful as a vector! Also is it gonna be added into the VR Game? Looks good! :+1:

I played Zo a few months ago with a few of my friends and it was amazing. I played it for at least 2 hours. 10/10 really satisfying and fun to play. I wish you the best of luck with your new project.

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