What are you working on currently? (2022)

i need this talent

More progress
unknown (3)


Today I finished my Garfield model!

360 view (Ignore my mouse) :
robloxapp-20221011-1955454.wmv (2.5 MB)
(Sorry if the link looks kind of like a scam, its how the file uploads on my computer)

Updated photo from yesterday (now with hands and a blue light) :

If there is anything I could would or should change, please let me know!


First decent effort on a GUI. I’m not sure which I like more, it would be great if you voted in the poll below.


  • A
  • B

0 voters


impressive, but it sounds painful for gameplay, maybe transfer it into a mesh so the framerate stays relatively the same as regular 60 fps.

noice, itll make the train more, eye appealing, cant wait for your project to release

The focus is to destroy framerate but in a playable way.
Plus, you shouldn’t assume I know how to make meshes like this
…and, it’d be too much work for just a one-off thing I felt like making.

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I’m working on a survival game currently this is the progress so far


As you can see there is a music gui, crafting and buttons.


New dimension for my game I’m working on it’s being released soon

Game Link: Madness 0.0.3A(???) - Roblox

Note: 0.0.3A is not out yet I’m still working on content for the update


Is this going to be a game? If so, please send me the link when its released!

i suggest hiring someone else to make the GUIS, no offense but that looks very bad to say the least, the map is pretty good tho, keep it up

looks like DOORS, but medieval, i like the 4k graphics, i suggest like when someone open the game there’s a, this game is very demanding and may lag on lower end devices such as tablets or phones

i really like this, however, i suggest adding a plus in the middle of the crescent moon square thing

i thought about that at first, but later i decided to stay loyal to the cultural factors

ooh, noice choice, i approve, is this like a fighting game?

strategy game, ain’t mine. it’s basically upcoming cosmetic skin pack i made that players can use in the game

Noobs in combat [4.3] - Roblox

It’s been a while since I started, but here is my game: Bowl With Friends [Official Release]

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They do not look great I agree it kinda doesn’t fit the style of the game but that’s something I’ll improve

What things should I remove or change to make it appealing

when you have that question… you’re rlly more fit to do what you’re more skilled on, you can hire someone for free to do the GUI styles

More of Reason 2 Die: Awakening weapon recreation, SCAR-H. Including 3 attachment sights. This weapon is my personal favorite of all time that I used.


Vortex M3000