What are you working on currently? (2022)

More medieval stuff.
I made a new tower today!

Q. Are my pictures too far away?


Still working on the same thing as last year, a game where you walk around as a Cube. I got a sudden burst of motivation out of nowhere so I’m trying to remake the entire game from the ground up with the new knowledge I’ve learnt in the process of making the first version. Here is a bit of an outdated screenshot of the new map


Some shots from my game im working on.

Includes custom implemented skybox, volumetric lighting, grass, and sun.

I’m very proud of how this is coming along. For anyone wondering, this is a shooter game that has a similar storyline to the movie “The Purge”.


A datastore editor using the Open Cloud Datastore API


:thinking:Exactly what I’m working on at the moment. Except mine is web based

Mine is also web based. What you’re seeing in the video is a website.

Market! This whole place is for my Tower defense game.

This town is still a work in progress.

  • This town looks very good
  • This town looks like garbage

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Working on sunset lighting

I feel as though the yellow is a little strong but I’m still working on it


I feel you should make the sunset more orangish would make it look amazing. (unless you are required to do the yellow for a certain style)

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For some reason I’m having a hard time turning the yellow to orange, this is the closest I can get without it being too strong


Mabye you have to change the ambient setting in lighting? (Im assuming that you tried to change the glare color in an atmosphere you created)



that’s odd, still looks amazing though

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Here’s my Talent Hub Creator Page, it has all the stuff I already made and will make:



I made 3 new models after posting what I’ve been working on the last time. I think I’m getting better at modeling, and I’m hoping I’ll get accepted into the UGC Program soon!


reminds me of Sneaky Sasquatch

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I know I’m pretty late but, I’m currently working on a game idea I picked up a few years ago, when I was a horrible scripter and builder. Lost motivation then picked it back up a few months ago, and basically remade the whole game from scratch (apart from the concept).
(And yes I had to put a big “READ THIS” sign up because no one would read the controls lol)

Some models I built so players can loot them for ammo or healing supplies (Not sure if it’s within Roblox’s TOS, so please lemme know that way my months of work won’t go to waste)

Basically everything is built by me, apart from the thumbnail and a gun model that my friends made.



Management type game.
Screenshot 2022-12-09 062315


getting back into development after a disastrously bad 2021. Currently working on a passion project that will require a bunch of new skills and probably wont be releasable until mid 2023-early 2024 if I keep at it. It’s going to basically be a grand strategy game but unlike most on roblox it’s going to have detailed economic systems that can make or break you. This will make small countries easier to play because if they can balance the budget and a major power (which would have more to worry about due to more people, etc.) couldn’t, they could stand a real chance. However it would be a europe-only map due to the scale of my abilities.

Instead of anyone can cook it’s now anyone can build :joy: