What are you working on currently? (2022)

Some closeups would be nice. :slight_smile:

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I’m currently working on a horror game, which has the main focus on story telling and the psychological side, instead of monsters and the same animation which seems to appear in every horror game I think I’ve played recently.

I am working on the story, which as for now will only have the one chapter, however I am debating expanding it, or having it as a franchise style of game which will branch off into past/future events of the same story.

It’s currently untitled, however the map is currently inprogress, however the main mechanics are already in place.

As an vivid horror fan, I am hoping that this experience will pave the way for a new era of horror games and the way its made.

If anyone has any suggestions I am more than open ot hearing them and I welcome DMs as I continue to work towards this game.

I’m currently working on a survival game but I still haven’t started creating it. I have the main idea and some mechanics etc.
I hope it turns out good and it becomes a really good game because I want to put a lot of work towards it.

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Wow! That’s an extremely detailed road there! :star_struck:

Starting on another cyberpunky car! Slowly learning like, how to car. Think I’ve got it


Sequel to VILE coming out next year.

Will share more features & clips as I finish them.
(i’m going to put some things in the sky, don’t worry)


Still working on Reviving Burger 21.

Main Game I would call ready, which is why its in alpha!



working on updating some older builds, planning on putting a bunch of them into one game


Project: SCP Foundation



I’m working on something like this. :national_park:

TOLL BOOTH :motorway:

SPEED ZONE :police_car:

RAILROAD :railway_track:

Also flair for the F-16 Viper :sparkler:


damn: are any of those games?-----

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I can’t post it because it’s not finished yet. However, I can say that this game will be one of the most gripping and realistic story games of Roblox. :wink:

We have a very large budget.

how big :wink:

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More Supra or something


Hello, its been a while since I last posted, I’ve had lots of school work to get done and I’ve overall have been very burned out and have zero motivation to do anything. I’ve decided to make many changes to my game which will make it easier for me to make and more fun and re-playable for you. Expect updates every month or so on my development because of my current speed of development. I know not many of you know about my game, but the ones who do and are excited for it, I’m sorry for how long it is taking me.

But for now, here is the main character doin a lightskin stare:

Also, thanks again for all the support on my posts, I finally have motivation again after knowing you guys are liking my posts and models (Also say goodbye to the whole Garfield idea, I dont want to get sued!)

Thank you for reading my rant and I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!




Made this on blender, and I want to try making the same on Roblox and do a side-by-side comparison.


1 week later now and I have a working demo of the final version. Please excuse any spelling mistakes or weird sentences; they are all placeholders.

I want reiterate that I am aware of the possible vulnerabilities that come with this system, but I see the advantages outweighing them.


first blender gfx :moyai: