Forest showcase
I am working on an Server-Sided Anti-Cheat that can detect injectors!
Always loved 2d platformer games, this was awesome with great music too! I will play with friends!
Textured and rendered, and probably my best scene to date. Onto the portfolio it goes!
Speaking of such I’ve decided to open up again on the talent hub (on my main account).
If you saw my phone, it’s part of my game Slovakia…
I will return tommorow with photos and sneak peaks…
Maybe, the game will release in 2023, but I will try to release it somewhere in 2022…
Working on an FPS Multiplayer and Singleplayer game at the moment! All I have is some UI Elements at the moment, but that should change soon. (don’t mind the story mode hub bg images)
If there’s anything I can improve on, let me know
Dude this is great. I love the effects!
Guy with an axe :0
I’m working on a stylized showcase.
I decided to be dumb and not make the leaves mesh in blender, and make it in studio using thousands of parts.
This guy wont go away.
Had been working on something new, and exciting that I’ve been developing on. And I’m just in love with it so much
In the final testing phases of my free-trial system currently. I ultimately opted for a black and white theme.
View in Light Mode
Sequential Breakdown of Clip
- Switch Network/Internet Off
- MarketPlaceService/Network Connection Error
- Switch Network/Internet On
- Go to Main Screen
- Go to Free Trial Confirmation
- Go Back to Main Screen
- Go to Purchase Screen
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0 voters
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0 voters
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0 voters
Great job! UI looks really clean however I do have one question: How will this work as a user can just download the plugin source code and edit it?
It relies on the honor system.
In a previous post, I created a poll asking how often one had seen or participated in the piracy of a plugin or plugins. Below are the results of that poll.
0 Times a Month | 11 · 92% |
1 - 4 Times a Month | 0 · 0% |
5 - 10 Times a Month | 1 · 8% |
11 - 15 Times a Month | 0 · 0% |
16 - 20 Times a Month | 0 · 0% |
>20 Times a Month | 0 · 0% |
Right now I am looking to find out the popularity of plugin piracy. The poll alone shows that it is quite rare, but many plugin developers have shared their concerns with it. The problem with this is that I cannot tell if people are afraid or have actually seen it.
Why is the car bleeding? That is not very realistic