What are you working on currently? (2022)

I forgot about my side project, Need for Drive. This is my project, where I learned how to make my custom A-CHASSIS cars.

Here are some screenshots I made:


It looks great but sometimes it’s low-poly and sometimes it’s very realistic, so it’s illogical.

Except this point, very good work!

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Is that low-poly? I found this very realistic!

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:poultry_leg: :boom:


Great!! I’d like a lot to play this game!! Can you send a link?

The game’s not out yet, but here is the link. Hopefully it’ll be out before the year ends.

edit: it’s out now

Thank you!

Have a good day, happy developing!

Hey everyone! today i did this Animation feel free to have fun with the Animation and use it or something lol. :sweat_smile: :joy:

Note: the Rig is not actually by me only the Animation. i know the hole reply/Post may seem like a joke but its not really only the Animation is so please dont get mad at me.


These are quixel assets. You can’t use them in a published game.

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Yes, I know that. I am just using these as substitudes until I make my own.

To answer your question, the assets are low-poly because they don’t have very many polygons. They do look realistic, however, because of the textures used on them. Hope this answers your question. :slight_smile:

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First time using Blender! I used RoBuilder’s blender tutorial to learn blender. What are your thoughts?


Working on a Dungeon Quest styled game, currently I have the majority of the lobby done, and a few pets.

Plus some cool UI from an open-sourced UI pack:


Not bad at all for a first time! Although there could be a bit more definition at the knees, this is an amazing job my friend! You should try adding more features/physique to the character next. Might take it to the next level. :wink:

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concept for enemy


god that is hella unstable :cold_face:

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One last work before 2022 ends. :happy2:


Currently attempting to implement my own custom GUI navigator.

So far it seems like it might work, but I still have a long way to go before I can test it.

Jeez, that’s creepy.

This text will be blurred

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