I’m working on a simulator, i’m trying to complete it by the end of may. I’m solo dev and i’m just hiring people for things as models and builds and sometimes ui designs. My game looks like this currently with ui’s and map
I will be scripting the game with 7 months experience. And so far the main part of the game is done all i need is side things such as: Egg’s, More tools and mostly boring stuff like icon’s like Pet pictures, Tool pictures, and putting all things together
There is a small Rendering Issue with the boids trails. It can’t be fixed on the server unless I disable the trails but I don’t really have the will power so
What do you think?:
Checklist Of Projects(if your curous)
[x] Projectile firing trajectory calculation
[x] Rocket targeting system
[x] Poisson Disc Sampling
[x] A* Pathfinding (Group flow field)
[x] Constructive Solid Geometry Intersection and slice methods
Thank you! The build was made using bricks and some reference pictures, but had I known about grease pen I probably would’ve used it as a better alternative. c:
That looks awesome!! I feel like that would be a lot of fun. I do have one recommendation though. If players get one of the cubes stuck in the corner, it could be quite annoying trying to get it out. Maybe add some kinda of curve to the corners so players can always get behind the cubes?
Get requests added to my DataStore manager windows app made in C#
Logs included to track errors
Example of a successful operation log:
11/04/2022 00:57:40 [GET] Begin process...
11/04/2022 00:57:40: [GET] Request sent to https://apis.roblox.com/datastores/v1/universes/2606675525/standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry?datastoreName=NewDS-CsTest&entryKey=1.
11/04/2022 00:57:43: [GET] Elaborating response...
11/04/2022 00:57:43: [GET] Process completed in 0 seconds.