What are you working on currently? (2023)

:eye: :camera:







Dear Im Gui implementation in roblox (still in super early stages)


im back with trying to break roblox and i found out how to get volumetric lighting working with local lights

im trying to fix the color banding


A distant echo of a time long lost.


this looks like the biggest scam ever.
“Official roblox event” - Not even a staff member
“You can buy seats for 10 robux on my upcoming website” - how can you spend robux on an external site? also sounds fishy
“Win 1 million robux” - :expressionless: bruh


Project Magical Mary’s going to be one of those roleplaying games that have multiple ages, and since one of those ages is toddlers, I think it’ll need a way for older characters to carry those young ones. Introducing the “player interaction menu”!

This repurposed window suddenly appears if someone presses ‘R’ (not the final key) while standing close to another player. If multiple players are in the area, the closest one is “targeted”, with their display name shown in its title bar.

None of the buttons here work, but I’m working on at least getting the “give” button to work.

EDIT: The “give selected item” button works perfectly!

Well, since the age morphs do work, I guess I should reference a dead meme:

“Don’t speak to me or my daughter ever again.”


The biggest scam ever?

You have no exact evidence that it’s a scam, also I hired a website developer ON ROBLOX, and they said I can pay them in Robux. Also, I see you haven’t read it fairly enough and judging it by its cover, but I said at the start of the talent show, the prize will be 10k robux, and the first winner ever will also receive the honorary role of being the first person to win RGT.

You can’t just say “BRUH THIS IS THE BIGGEST SCAM EVER” without even trying it yet or not providing evidence it’s a scam.

And for the seats, they will be entirely free for 1 month, then they’re 10 robux, which is fairly cheap.

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Sorry, I haven’t responded to this, you may get in before March, I don’t have an exact date for them to open just yet, but it may open on February 20th, my website builder is fairly busy in life, so I will have to use discord for now until the website is done.


That’s great! Will check it out when it’s out!


I’m currently making a horror-survival type game, but mostly having funny gags.


Partially multithreaded projectile framework utilizing Parallel Luau

I say partially because only raycasting is multithreaded as of now; cloning, deleting, and CFraming isn’t localsafe yet so they still all have to be done in serial


I made a thing that fills in the gap between 2 road segments with different rotations.

It basically generates random rotations roughly every second and then determines how to pivot the road segment in question, and then it rotates it, and then it fills in the gap in between. For those of you who are wondering, I did end up using ego moose’s function to draw a triangle between three points in 3D space to fill in the gap between the road segments (I did modify it a little bit though). But all the rest of the math, and code is made by me.


kinda recreating something similar to the stamp tool becuz am bored (and getting more knowlegde on UIs, Tables, and raycasts because I’ve never really used those before)

and a funi lil muder mystery/Flee the facility like game (atleast i think thats what the games about, been working on it for over 6 months and I still dont fully understand how its supposed to work)

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progress on a ocarina of time remake
(delayed cuz im playing AO lol sorry)

Poll on OOT remake story

I also want to ask what you all would prefer for the story of the game.

  • Complete remake/copy of original OOT story
  • A completely different story but OOT game mechanics etc…
  • The story cut in half to save on development time/The story shortened

0 voters

I’ve decided on starting with the adult timeline first. Since I’ve already imported adult link. Importing adult link was already a pain with getting all of his 100s of animations into roblox.



My progress on the player interaction menu continued today, with the “carry” button sort of working. If one character is a toddler and the other is at least a teenager (roleplay ages, obviously) then that button will cause the toddler to be welded to either their left hand or upper torso. (The latter is meant to look like they’re holding onto the other player’s shoulder.)
There aren’t any animations made for this, so the toddler’s using the “falling” animation while the other character plays the standing animation.


the ui is so cute i love dis :black_heart:

I like these trees! The trunk has a nice look to it and the leaves have detail to them instead of the somewhat-overused “low-poly, green, featureless blob trees” that simulators love to use.

I can only hope that if enough actually good-looking stylized trees like this are created that developers will use them instead of those trees… :sick: