What are you working on currently? (2023)

I would be heavily interested in the plugin if it’s what I think it is.

Good job

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Still trying to learn the basics of Lua :smile:

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It’s been a while! I’m not dead! Starting on a little side project which might not go anywhere


Love the detail on this, looks great

I really like this! - Would be very effective for new people to learn programming. Love the UI.


Currently working on an FPS concept (I know its been done far too many times, but figured I’d throw my two cents into the effort as well)

The three videos below are the progress I have made in about a week of development time on multiple different weapon and view models, but I’m just showing the development of the fan favourite Glock 17.

This first video was my first iteration of the view model. This is where I made the majority of the script that handles all things related to sway, animations and firing in the view model. All of the other iterations were new view models that utilized a revised version of this script.

I wasn’t a fan of the recoil in that first video; it seemed a bit too slow and wasn’t as snappy as I would like. I want this concept to be faster paced, so I needed to change it up. The second iteration below utilizes a more snappy design, but the view model itself isn’t all that appealing (It’s a USP 45, but it doesn’t really matter what the model is).

My current design changes things up quite a bit visually. The gun is pretty much as snappy as the previous iteration, but everything about it feels more exaggerated which I like. The view model is positioned much better than the last two, and the model is a bit more detailed. The positioning of the view model and the snappiness of the shooting is inspired lightly by Ready Or Not, and I feel that this iteration is much better than the previous two by far.

Thanks for reading and letting me share!


Right now I’m working and improving on my gun models.My latest gun asset was M1944 Hyde Carbine but I modeled a G18 as well(before M1944) but sadly the G18 turned out a bit blocky in the end.
I hope someone can give me some feedback and/or how I can improve in the future.
I also wanted to say that since the school is ending I might focus more on school (last grade before high school)but don’t worry I’ll always spent my free time modelling in Blender :wink:.

I hope you like these assets and I personally think i improved with the M1944 Hyde Carbine.

M1944 Hyde Carbine

The M1944 Hyde Carbine was developed during WW2 for the allied powers(more specifically Americans) to replace then old Thompson(known as Tommy gun).It first saw action in Normandy where they helped beat Germans back to Germany.

These renders were taken inside Blender with procedural materials(I haven’t learned about PBR textures so for now I have to manually texture inside Roblox Studio and use what i can)

Now if anyone’s wondering how terrible the G18 looks:


Yeah I know it looks terrible and I failed miserably but I definitely learned from these failures


I tried simulating wind using perlin noise. It turned out better than I expected.

Here’s what it looks like when applied to hair:

And below is a visualization of the wind.


Polishing the 3rd person shooting mechanics for my game
Also making the city easier to explore, so I thought I take inspiration from a certain game to help players get up to high places


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I released the beta of my game today !
Here the game :

Have a nice day !

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Model of the Day 3
Clothing Rack

Portfolio: https://kristinaportfolio.carrd.co/


I’ve been working on a small game that has players competing against waves of robots with increasing numbers and different strategies against the player.

Yes, it’s a very rudimentary look and feel and that because I’ve been focusing primarily in the game play to have it fun first and pretty/polish later.

Here’s the link if you want to give it a try and let me know how many rounds you last: Bot Jam 0.1.2 - Roblox


Impressive! Are those textures you imported or native Roblox textures?


A (mostly) finished sign and the start of a pickup truck.


(updated video) showcase of my weapon system plus ammo box system(not done) going to update the weapon system with debounce for the rapid-fire effect

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Fun Fact: The states of Washington, California, and Oregon, 3 states, have more electoral votes than New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, North & South Dakota, Montana, and Minnesota, 12 states, combined!

Planning your election strategy for certain states will definitely help you out in the long run.

RO-270’s expected release date is 05/20/2023, cheers!


Created an announcement for release video trailer :eyes:

The game has been in development for a LONG time and is very ambitious… First started back in summer 2017 on and off, but this finishing release update has been in progress for roughly 9 months.


Truck’s coming along! Just needs an interior & detailing + the back window. How’s it lookin’?


hmm yes comic sans, the most awesome font to script with

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how do you blur just the background of the frame? as it looks really dang cool!

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