What are you working on currently? (2024)

Abandoned gas station for the game about zombies in Roblox


rewriting a whole game


Helped make an short animatic with my friend LKev. I did all the lighting and made the scenery in this video.

Be advised the video does swear a couple of times.


I think this is my first time on one of these posts! These are some screenshots from my Tower Defense game I have been working on with a few folks.

Won’t clog up too much, hope these screenshots are enough!


Both are basically the same thing, except one has more issues.
But anyways, it looks very cool :+1:

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Another year, another update post about Pianissimo, my musical instrument (and possibly sequenced music) module! My last post of 2023 was about my ADSR envelope implementation and the portamento (pitch slide) modifier, which were good additions by themselves, but now there’s another modifier, :happy3: 𝓋𝒾𝒷𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑜!

As its oddly-Italian name (like other musical terms) implies, vibrato quickly shifts a note’s pitch (PlaybackSpeed property) up and down. :angry: Unfortunately, since Roblox still hasn’t fixed this bug, I couldn’t use PitchShiftSoundEffect instances so vibrato affects the same property as portamentos.

As a workaround, any ongoing vibrato is stopped when a portamento starts, then is “resumed” (starts again from scratch) after that finishes. (Vibratos always store their details in Notes for this reason.) In the video, I was testing this behavior, which works flawlessly. When each portamento starts, the vibrato suddenly stops, but begins to affect the note afterwards. I’m still impressed that I’ve programmed this whole class without a single RunService “looping function”; Back in 2022 and early 2023, I wouldn’t have known how to do this any other way!

With this modifier implemented, only one is left, the tremolo modifier, which I’ll try to use Roblox’s built-in TremoloSoundEffect instance for. If it produces glitchy popping sounds like PitchShiftSoundEffect, then I’ll just scrap this modifier. :huh:


except one has more issues

Luckily not experiencing any with my 15 Pro but this should be easier for me now to recreate o.o

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I should seriously post more…


This is so weird. My brother’s roommate literally did the exact same thing. What are the chances!?

Trying to gain a player base for my game


Hmm well I’m working on UIs for my game!
Screenshot 2024-01-16 11.38.06 AM

edit: these were tests I thought I put that.


made the second wallpaper, not as good as the first but still nice. For the next one I wanna try making all the models myself, but time will tell if that works well.

Steam Workshop::Roblox Sunrise (steamcommunity.com)

By the way, there is no need to wait since blender has a feature of negating and unioning. Hope this helps in creating interiors for the rockets!

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oh, that’s nice to know. i’ve tried out blender and didnt figure it out, but i’ll watch some more tutorials

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I’m working on some AIs that will fight each other. Below this text, you can see a bunch of soldiers having a heated firefight. In the second picture, you can see a wizard shooting a fire bolt at some soldiers.
The houses seen here are free models, everything else was made by me.
It’s not really a game, but more of a battle simulation.


Perlin noise terrain gen using the new EditableMesh feature, feat. @Andrew900460

Edit 1: terrain colour


Locwood Studios is working on an RPG with quests, houses and more!


cheese wheel using alpha masks


This is another thing I was doing while working with @ProfessorOfK3ology to generate terrain using the EditableMesh feature (which seemes to still be a beta feature). But here, I managed to generate a larger terrain made out of chunks. In this case, we used Mount Fuji and the surrounding terrain to test it.
I know there are some visible seams, it’s not perfect. Just wanted to show the result so far.

Also, you should check out what @ProfessorOfK3ology made with the EditableMesh as well!


Continuing work on my arcade which features functional arcade machines: Pong Arcade. I recently redesigned the entire building, which is mostly finished, however some sections still feel empty.

The most recent update was AI Pong, which allows players to play against the computer at 3 different difficulties.

In addition to pong, there are many other games to play, both single-player and mulitplayer. The single-player games award tickets, and the PVP games now update your PVP rating. I will continue to add more games and improve the arcade building in future updates.
