What are you working on currently? (2024)

Within the last couple days, I returned to my best restaurant cup model, the Mary’s medium cup, in preparation to re-import it to Roblox. I might be proud of it, since it’s the most detailed and realistic disposable cup that I believe has and will be in a video game–but that’s the problem with this cup’s lid: its detail really increases its polygon count! Like, the lid alone is ~ of its triangles.
A small image showing a wireframe cup model with its lid selected. Its sides use few triangles, but its lid has so many small triangles that it's almost a solid color in some areas. Text: "Objects 4/6 Vertices 6,775/7,325 Edges 11,591/12,660 Faces 5,563/6,119 Triangles 5,563/6,119.
Once I exported the cup from Roblox Studio (a while back) and noticed this, it has sort of bugged me since; That cup’s lid is way higher-poly than the cup and straw, which have a lower triangle density. I couldn’t leave it like that, so I’m going to try simplifying the lid in a different way, by using a normal/bump map.

First, I completely remade the cup’s UV maps:

  • In general, all three meshes will use separate textures, so their textures and UV islands can be placed somewhat more optimally. (I still kind of suck at prioritizing which sections get more texture space, but I refuse to use automatic UV mapping; I like creating and organizing my textures by hand.)
  • The cup texture’s upper half is dedicated to the sides of the cup; Below this are its lip (under the lid) and underside “walls”, followed by its bottom surface (inside and outside the cup).
  • The lid and straw have much more basic texture mapping. The lid’s just a top-down projection, and a tall, thin texture will wrap around the straw.

After I re-mapped the lid, I exported parts of it from Blender to Inkscape as SVG files, then made each shape solid, saving the results as PNG files. These images were imported into Substance Designer (Yep, I own it!) and used as height maps for normal maps.

The normal map will imitate the lid’s smaller details, like the logo text, Mary’s mouth, and the four cute buttons around the “straw platform”. This is what the project’s node graph and final normal map look like:

Oh, and here’s what the medium cup looks like with my cute UV grid texture applied, showing part of its UV map:

Lastly, I made a new cup mesh today! I figured that since Mary’s is a fast-food restaurant, it needs multiple cup sizes, so I stretched and added extra rings to the medium cup to make a new large cup! Conveniently, it reuses the medium cup’s UV layout, so textures made for it will work for both cups (though I would still like to make specific textures for the large cup to account for its thinner lower section).
A tall, reflective disposable restaurant cup in a dark, desaturated void. It doesn't have a lid or straw.
:sad: This probably wasn’t interesting (and it’s probably badly-written thanks to my brain falling apart), but I felt like I should share what I’ve been working on. Hopefully, my next post will show the more optimized cup model in Roblox Studio.

EDIT #1: I’ve removed any lid details that the new normal map imitates, and it doesn’t look too bad for a mesh with ¼ the polygons of the original mesh, even if the buttons look obviously flat now… Some things have to be sacrificed for optimization, unfortunately…

This is what the lid looks like now, with a temporary colorful texture applied so it’s easier to see the normal map. Anything that doesn’t have a black outline is formed using the normal map.

EDIT #2: Oh, how knowledge of Roblox development and mesh optimization can really help improve potential tool/item models… Before very recently, my cute and realistic cup was ~6k polygons. Now, with my post-2022 knowledge (SurfaceAppearances and Blender experience), that same cup is just under 2k polygons!


Low Poly forest map I’m making

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This is pretty neat, how did you accomplish this, and do you think it’s more reliable than texturing?

I use the LineHandle things and its better than texturing since it works for all scales of parts but there is an issue of lights not effecting those. I also used a modified version of the “color changer outline substitute” a roblox admin made and posted in the removing outlines thread to get the changed colors like outlines had. Only change to that is making it so it doesnt effect hue, only brightness

Also I had to adjust the colors since that was too light to be outlines

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Currently working on remaking an entire steam game called “Among the Sleep” inside of the Roblox Engine. Progress is going great so far, but if Roblox supported emissive maps it would make some textures look better!

It also has support for Norwegian and Russian voice acting!
I’d also recommend checking out the original game, as it’s very good and has an emotional ending.


Currently working on the demo of my personal project BLOX RAIDERS.

Getting feedback and reports to improve the game and trying to grow a small community to get involved with while developing it.

You can check it out here: 🎃BLOX RAIDERS🎃 [ HALLOWEEN ] [DEMO] - Roblox

I’ve created a more in-depth post in case you’re interested in helping with any feedback or suggestions, it would be highly appreciated!


Been working on a big plugin that should save me some time. So far I’ve created a custom command in the script editor that allows me to access what I’m calling CustomServices (They are just modules)
Currently when you look away from the script it translates to a Lua readable version, now I just need to translate it back to a simplistic version:

I hopefully should finish that part by tomorrow, and then I’ll probably release the demo of this plugin


Needing methods of level mechanics to traverse to certain distant parts of the stage quickly, so here is a fun little zipline that mimics a non-existant ‘sliding rope’ constraint.

It’s completely physics-based with a little scripting assistance to make it feel more satisfying. I’m using a handle that the player holds onto that is constrained to a CylinderConstraint (a rigid line that the joint slides along) and adjusting the relative height of the attachment the constraint is joined to so that it ‘follows’ the rope’s downwards curve rather than travel in a perfectly straight line towards the end target, going above the rope line.

In addition, a small spring connects the handle joint to the handlebar to give it more ‘bounce’, and depending on the CurrentLength of the spring, length is temporarily added to the main zipline rope to make the rope visibly bounce under your character’s weight. :star:

Kind thanks to this user for providing a way to find the world position of a certain distance down a rope.


Working on a little competitor tool for MrChickenRocket’s VisTools SDK called Luatri. It’s free and open source. Not much else can be said about it right now because I’d hate to promise and not deliver.

Here’s the GitHub repo, the docs and the game if you’re interested.

Arguments??? :0
Example for those who care:

{Name:string, WaitForService:boolean, RequireService:boolean, WaitTime:number}

Anyhow here’s it in action:


Thats actually ingenius oml, super cool stuff

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please let me know if you get any more progress with that i love it and love tes series

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Working on a Miníe Rifle used during the Boshin War. First actually good thing I’ve made in Blender!


I was bored, and so I decided to make something that I wanted to make for a long time. An equation for a bendable line.

Edit: I now made a slightly different version of this:


its a plastic cup. does it have 80 pages worth of lore or something??


Currently working on the prototype of a completely unique fighting game. It has more complex mechanics and already known ones like blocking work different here. I’ll upload some content on devforum and youtube when the prototype is finished

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Currently working on a western game called Duel , ive been working on it for the past 4 months and yet till now its 60% completed

Here are a few screenshots

Im trying to add lore to the game


Get matpat on this, IMMEDIATELY!!!


Haha , Ngl The lore of my project is around 20 chapters long
It might take years to decode some parts

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the leaderboard now tracks which dream the player is at, with additional stuff