Feedback on demo of my looter shooter game BLOX RAIDERS

Hi everyone!

I made public a demo of my game called BLOX RAIDERS and I’m trying to gather feedback and suggestions from the community.
BLOX RAIDERS is a looter shooter FPS game with Boss fights inspired by Destiny, Borderlands, and Dungeon Quest.
Here’s the link to check it out, any input would be highly appreciated ^^

Currently, I’m struggling to grow my active players to a point where analytics are a bit more reliable since they’re changing too much daily, where some days I may have most of them really good and some others below the 50th.

Do you have any suggestion in how to grow your audience at a low cost? Please let me know!

Thanks in advance!!


roblox advertisements? i think they kinda work, but im not sure - never used them

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Played through a level, here are my suggestions:

I recommend making shift lock forced OFF, I can imagine many people using shift to dash as an alternative to Q, its small but its annoying to turn off.

Some gun models need some work.

As you can probably see, the top of my drum mag is sticking through the top of my gun. And only like half of the sight is visible - it almost looks like you have 2 guns in one model?

The UI needs some work in my opinion, it feels tacky and sticks out from the rest of the game.

And most importantly, you need more mechanics. Right now all you can really do is move around and shoot the boss, needing to reload every few seconds. This just isn’t very fun for long. I recommend possibly more variety in weapons, more types & more challenging enemy attacks (and remember, more damage and health does not equal more challenging), and just some more cool mechanics. possibly power ups or something?

The map is also just flat ground. It looks good visually, but not that fun for gameplay.

Onto the pros, the animations look really really good, and it seemed to run smoothly without many bugs to deal with.

In terms of advertising, I’d recommend just trying to build a community on platforms like Tiktok, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, etc. When you have your game more polished up this will be much easier to do.

I hope that helps! and good luck twin

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ok so idk what’s happening, but every time I try to play the game (by going into the teleport box) my game just crashes when it tries to teleport. I try to go into the easy one and roblox just closes when the countdown reaches 0 and it says “Teleporting,”

I’m using them mostly aimed at console and pc players but for the $ I’m using they’re not enough :stuck_out_tongue:

i am on a decent laptop with a gtx 1660 which isnt too crappy. idk whats going on

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Thank you so much for your feedback!

I’ll definitively checkout the shift lock.

For the UI is probably because it’s one of my weakest points inside game development :sweat_smile:

I totally agree on the mechanics and more will come soon ^^

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So strange, does it drop you any error?

I’m checking the dashboard and my crash rate grew from 0% to 0.09% today, I’ll see if I see any related error on the errors reports related to your profile

lemme check the console


nope it just straight up crashes

I definitively see the crash rates increasing for a player which I guess its you, the Error reports doesn’t seem too helpful either :man_facepalming:

I don’t think those are the same errors that I am referring to, although I do believe they are mine. So when I first joined, I didn’t know there was a level requirement for medium and hard. I tried to teleport to a hard level, then when that failed, I tried a medium level. These gave me the errors of something along the lines of “Attempt to teleport to unauthorized place”. I believe that’s the error you are seeing. However, this error did not crash my game. What did happen is the text at the bottom was stuck on teleporting so I decided to rejoin the game. This is possibly what triggered the crash detectors. The crashes I was referring to occurred when I attempted to join an easy game. It yielded no errors, but rather just plain closed Roblox (not even the Roblox not responding, it just closed).

I didn’t play the game, these are just from looking at the images.

Few questions.
What is the play style direction?

Destiny 2

Also the map seems a bit generic, one of the best looter shooters you NEED take inspiration from is destiny 2. One of my all time favorite games.

One thing you should take from destiny 2 is: classes and subclasses, classes being different type of play styles, and subclasses being type of abilities.

Destiny has some good classes being:
Warlock: ability spam and support
Titan: support and PUNCH
Hunter: idk really a mix of a lot of things.

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The main reference is Destiny 2, having said that I like to take references from DOOM and Borderlands as well ^^

Totally agree on the map! I’m mostly a programmer so I’ve been focusing a bit more on that and make a basic but enjoyable version of the rest as it just takes me so much more time, once I have a few missing systems I’ll probably revisit things such as level design, UI and so on :stuck_out_tongue: