What are you working on currently?

A fun shooter, tho still I need alot of practice with roblox studio



AMURICA: GUNS, FREEDOM, AND CHEESEBURGERS :eagle: :gun: :hamburger: :us:

Anyways, ahem, I’m still working on eternal frontiers, but I made a bunch of logos.


Should we feature this shield to his upcoming movie? I don’t really like the movie but what we do??


I’ve worked this 1 year ago an really amazing pack of 7 colored iMacs computers


A new Tram and a new Map for my Game.
GT6N Berlin

Map Berlin


Working on a new realism build.
Just (mostly) finished the pillars I will be using, hopefully I’ll be able to finish the whole showcase sometime this week.


The Guard and Storage Room Level in Break the Prison:


I tried making npcs that move and act similar to real players
(they can talk to each other!! :0)

also its not done yet


That’s cool dude, how did you do the chatting, I’m curious. I couldn’t figure out how you did the movement and chatting so well?

essay warning

For the movement, I get a random position on the map and use pathfinding to get the path. Then, I use bezier curves for the smooth turns and a bit of randomness for each point the NPC goes to.

The chatting was a bit hard since the NPCS needed to communicate and listen to each other. So this is what I did:

  1. Manually create a list of messages the NPCS could say. Example:
ListOfMessages.Food = {
	{"What food do u like?", "What is your most favorite food?", "What did you have for breakfast?"},
	{"Tacos", "Burger", "CHEESE", "Soup", "Bread", "Steak", "ICE CREAM", "Nothing, I eat air"}
  1. Upon NPC creation, they create their own function which is where the npc decides what to say / respond
  2. For each NPC, check if another NPC is nearby and is available to talk
  3. Create a unique code based on their names
  4. Using the unique code as a key for a table the NPCS share, there are two outcomes:
    4A. If nothing is found using the key, we create a table containing the NPC’s function, then wait until the other NPC’s function is added
    4B. If something is found, we add our function to the data.
  5. The npc that created the data will run its function first
  6. The npcs will start to communicate with each other, and each time they say something, it will show on their avatar.
  7. If an npc says anything related to goodbye, they stop communicating

and thats how i did it

The chatting took me a few tries to work :\


I thought it was some complicated system or something but thanks for telling me how you did it


Just finished Bahnhoffstrasse in Zurich.


Those floors need some textures

Figma → Roblox UI Converter (Video demo by Zexocity)


what is this plugin and how does it work ?

It imports the images from Figma through a Figma plugin I made and then reconstructs the UI based on data passed from the plugin into the Roblox side. For some reason the video doesn’t show the Roblox side of the plugin.

Working on a Climbing game that involves using a chain and roblox physics to climb up.

Sure, it wouldn’t hurt but I wanted it this way as it’s pretty close to the look irl.