Well, sometime recently, I tried to improve my R15 character model, but tried to experiment with custom normal vectors, which was supposed to make the elbows and knees visually “connect” seamlessly. It looked good at first, until I tried bending its arms and legs…
It took a couple days, but I re-imported the affected meshes without custom normals, and I think this screenshoot speaks for itself:
Though it still has its issues, my character model is coming together, with better 2D clothing mapping, but I need to correct those hands; They become “dislocated” when they’re rotated on any axis.
Just published two practice games where I used some plugins and templates to work on my overall understanding of Luau, 3D Modeling, and UI Design. They’re linked below, and I would appreciate feedback on what I could add or change to either one of them!
After long time of practice and scripting, I have came up with idea of remaking Plates of Fate game with buildable islands, which can be broken by various disasters aswell as players. But I’m running out of parience and motivation