What are you working on currently? (2024)

Bar Roblox


You should be careful with this, I’m pretty sure this violates terms of service and restrictions in place that are required by XBOX/Microsoft.


Oh bruh, best timing since I just released it xd


You might want to research this a bit more before publishing your thing.

another related post:


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Huhhhh I tried to make my research and nothing poped up something like this. Welp time to delete the place :confused:

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But I thank you for literally saving my account, this could have turned out really bad for me xd


I’m not sure but I think ‘safe chat’ or ‘quick chat’ systems may be allowed since the developer provides the phrase that will be displayed. So instead of your alphabet characters you could have something like “follow me”, “thanks”, “hello”. But anything in the chat box won’t be visible to the console players. I don’t think they can see bubble chat either, so you’d have to have a way for the pc/mobile players to say ‘safe chat’ phrases back to them and a way to display it to the console player.

So, maybe you would want to work on something like that instead, just a thought.

I’m not 100% sure if that is allowed, so I’d do more research before creating a ‘safe chat’ for console.


Im working at a classic sky rainbow obby. :+1:


its good and gonna help console players to type


Dayum, nice work! You should sell it or open source it. It’s really good.


“Your”, so is it gonna be on like an asset store, such as a dizy server or payhip site?


I am continuing to work/fix my 2d game on roblox, as of right now, I am puzzling over saving a player’s world, saving thousands of positions and item names to a datastore. My favorite part about this game is that you can find odd randomly generated world formations.

A cool deep cave/ cave combo -

Double libraries = rare.

A recent poll that I made showed that everyone enjoyed polls, so…
Here ya go!

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I’m working on a game that’s kind of like deepwoken, I’ve already done the punch cut animations and each location has a background melody And I’d like to make cool weapons, but I don’t know how to do it, so I’d appreciate any tips :slight_smile:

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It will indeed be open-sourced, however we are still thinking of its price, due to the sheer amount of features it holds! This panel will be distributed through Creator Marketplace and my dizzy server :+1:


this is amazing! is this all built in studio? how did you incorporate blender?


just some blender renders in 2.72 and 2.74

cycles render is fun ngl

and yes I still can’t use roblox studio


Another thing to note is that consoles already have keyboards? You don’t need a custom one.

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Still being worked on, but I would like to get some feedback on what type of game-mode I should develop for this game idea that is still W.I.P.

The idea to make this didn’t actually come from Galleons (as some might think). But it came from another game called “Scrapworks” (which is another game inspired by Metalworks). And I was messing around with wood parts floating on the terrain water, making this ugly makeshift boat that could float. And then, I wanted to build a larger boat. So I started making somthing in Roblox Studio to see how well it would float (it works perfectly!).

Then I was like: “What if I added functional cannons”. And the boat floated well with them on.
Then I wondered: “What if the boat parts had health, and detached after loosing eanough health from cannon balls”. So I added that, and it made boat destruction a lot more interesting.
And then I added terrain to paint a picture of what the purpose of these boats were for; who were using them.

So that is pretty much where this project is at. To be clear, yes, this is more or less inspired by Galleons, but it didn’t start with me trying to remake that game. And I think this game is going to function a bit differently from that game. Which may even make it a bit more interesting. The way you controll the cannons will probably be more diffcult. So cannon usage will become more of a skill to master.
And like I said, each part of the ship has it’s own health value, so you will have to hit certain parts of the ship multiple times to break it open.

But most of all, I want your feedback!

I’d like to know if there are better ways I could design certain things. Like the controlls of the ship and cannons. Or if other things should be done to make the ships better.

Also, I am curious about what type of game-mode you all think should be at the center of this game. I’ve already had a few different ideas. But I’d like to know what you think would be a fun game-mode to bring a purpose to these ships (and other future ships you could possibly choose from).

Here is a previous iteration of the ship.

And here is the game if you want to test the boat controlls and destruction logic. So let me know what you think!


do the ships have a reverse function yet? (callback to that one time it got stuck in the arch)

relevant picture:

(this issue has been fixed for people reading this who aren’t andrew)


Thanks to the internet, looking at this project first jump scares me.

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