I am trying to replicate something to similar to what is shown within these videos
The abilities shown have the player running in the direction that the character is facing and I am trying to avoid using BodyVelocity as it is deprecated. I have attempted to use linear velocity and vector force but had found that adding linear velocity to the humanoid root part does not respect gravity and that vector force is inconsistent such as accelerating very slowly or quickly despite using the same force.
I ask for any help in using these constraints or to be pointed toward a better body mover to use in order to achieve similar results as shown in the videos.
You could just increase the Humanoid.WalkSpeed value to make the player run faster when they hold the Shift key or something and then apply a decent sprinting animation.
I suppose force? Or align position. Force would be better but as I haven’t made a custom movement system… yet… I don’t know a lot but pretty sure everyone uses force.
It shouldn’t be based on walkspeed because the point is that the character begins to dash in a direction based on the camera for a time without any movement inputs from WASD.