What builds are you most proud of?

I’d like to know what work you are most proud of!

Personally, I don’t think I have accomplished much, but I have helped some groups earn a lot of robux from my help, and I feel pretty proud for helping them.

Let me know what you think yours is!


  • Pok

These 2 builds are the builds that im most proud of. They both have different storyes like I made the sci-fi hallway to test out the future lightning and the night shot when I first started modelling and I wanted to make something with the models I have. I’m pretty sure there’s much better builds than these but I love them.

I'm proud of this build too but there's some up and down sides on them.


What downs for example are you talking about? This is looking really good!

I wanted it to be more detailed and more like a general store.

Driving Simulator’s map. The build itself isn’t out of this world impressive for its detail or complexity, but it is an absolutely massive map that is a bit larger than 9000x9000 studs which I’ve painstakingly gone over every stuff of. About a year of daily work. Been optimizing it at every possible stage to make sure that the game runs well.

A lot of time, and dedication to wrap up such a large project.


This thing went viral in free models


Honestly I’m not that proud of anything I’ve made yet. They’ve all just been beginner builds. Hopefully by the end of 2020 I can have a build that I’m truly proud of.


Yeah, me too Dont mind this Please y did u read inside the spoiler??

Oh yes i’ve seen that around a lot!

This build here im most proud of its a drivable train btw

That look really amazing actually!

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One of those versions that I am proud of is this (yes I know, the colors of the prison buildings but I like them that way) in develop right now


I’m most proud of the two islands I built for a game I never came through on. Hard to show with pictures but they look pretty nice in game.


The build I am most proud of has to be a cafe. The reason is that it’s one of the first builds, being a new developer, I’ve done and nearly completed, I’m proud of it. :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope to see it as a success and completed it! :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is mine but its not finished yet

The one im most proud of thats finished

Hey bro your games awesome and I found a glitch I’d like to share, so some of the sidewalks have some collision glitches and they kind of ruin the experience ya know? Just letting you know.

Personally proud of this.