Personally, I don’t think I have accomplished much, but I have helped some groups earn a lot of robux from my help, and I feel pretty proud for helping them.
These 2 builds are the builds that im most proud of. They both have different storyes like I made the sci-fi hallway to test out the future lightning and the night shot when I first started modelling and I wanted to make something with the models I have. I’m pretty sure there’s much better builds than these but I love them.
Driving Simulator’s map. The build itself isn’t out of this world impressive for its detail or complexity, but it is an absolutely massive map that is a bit larger than 9000x9000 studs which I’ve painstakingly gone over every stuff of. About a year of daily work. Been optimizing it at every possible stage to make sure that the game runs well.
A lot of time, and dedication to wrap up such a large project.
Honestly I’m not that proud of anything I’ve made yet. They’ve all just been beginner builds. Hopefully by the end of 2020 I can have a build that I’m truly proud of.
The build I am most proud of has to be a cafe. The reason is that it’s one of the first builds, being a new developer, I’ve done and nearly completed, I’m proud of it.
Hey bro your games awesome and I found a glitch I’d like to share, so some of the sidewalks have some collision glitches and they kind of ruin the experience ya know? Just letting you know.