What can currency be used for in an obby game?

I’m making an obby game with multiple places. And I don’t know what should I use currency for in the game. What uses of currency can be applied for an obby game?


Just make it coins. If you’re looking for a method of how players will earn them just make it so each time they get through a stage give them x number of coins.

I think that I didn’t explain what I wanted very well. I mean what can currency be used for?

Buying stuff… Just write down some ideas you have and go from there. For example do a list of what you want and how you want it.


Maybe power-ups that last for a few seconds such as high jump or speed, or gears like gravity coils and speed coils. Also you could add trails and effects

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Skipping stages using the main currency of you’re game.

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You can let players use currency for things like power ups that last 30 seconds like letting someone have higher jumps or run faster, you could also have things like skip stages, you could also have trails in your game.

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Usually you want to make your currency centered around the theme of your game, if you really need to you can use coins but I would encourage you to use something more original. It just makes your game overall a bit more interesting to play.

In terms of the application of the currency; I would say create some VIP perks I would assume, as well as you can create special tools they can buy with this currency. To obtain currency I would make it so that you would have to beat a certain amount of levels in a row or do a specific level in a time span. You dont usually see these types of things in obbys which is why I recommend it because I feel as if it would be an original application of currency.

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A few shop items I may suggest:

  • Skipping levels
  • Immunity to harmful blocks
  • Gravity perhaps?
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Currency could maybe buy power ups such as skips (skip stages) or jump boosts to make passing stages easier.

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I think we should step back a bit here and look at the root of this all. Instead of thinking of ways to use the currency, ask yourself - do you really need or want a currency in your obby game, or does the scope of your project allow you to forego it?

I figure it might be productive first to think about if you need a currency rather than how to use it. If you’re troubled on ways to use an in-game currency, then you might need to reevaluate the necessity of it in-game and what it stands for. You never usually want to add something in for the sake of adding it in.

What does creating an in-game incentivise for gameplay? What are you hoping to allow the user, on the grand scale, to use currency for? If you start with the big picture and funnel down, you’ll find it easier to tackle the questions of each level.

  • Do you need/want a currency? What will be the purpose of it? Obviously currency is used to purchase things, but it can also be used, for example, for obtaining game achievements.

  • What is the grand idea of currency? Will players need that currency to boost themselves in your game and gain some small (but balanced, hopefully) advantages, or is it for aesthetic purposes? Are there other games you can reference and their use of currencies?

    • An example is Super Mario Galaxy (or just Mario games in general). There are two primary collectibles, Coins and Star Bits. Coins are chiefly just collectibles which, if you collect enough, can also give you an extra life. The other collectible, Star Bits, replace coins as the common collectible and serve as a game currency. You can use Star Bits to unlock new locations and content to expand the experience, gain in-game advanatages (extra life or doubled health) and stun enemies who aren’t stun-resistant.

From there, you can keep narrowing down until you have a good sense of where you want to go with your currency and how it will apply to the game. If the currency can be easily collected by completing tasks, you could consider locking extra stages or even main stages to give players a reason to collect.

Thank you for all the ideas. I’ll definitely try them out. Thank you @446576656C6F706572 for giving me a valuable lesson in developing games.

An idea I had were permanent speed and jump upgrades for a large amount of money, like 50 coins for 5 speed.

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