What can I add in this empty UI space?

Currently, I’m making a GUI that shows the player’s progress in ranked matches. Unfortunately, I have no ideas on what I can add into the huge empty space at the right.

I would also appreciate any feedback on how to improve the UI. Thanks in advance.



For the empty space, you could add a progression bar or an arrow to the next rank. If you don’t like that Idea then maybe you could “season high” or “all-time high”. You could take inspiration from games like Overwatch, LoL, etc.


If your game is a PvP game I think having a stats screen on the right would be good, like K/D ratio, matches played, etc. And maybe displaying their avatar on the right in a circle shape?


I’ll use the progression bar idea. Thanks!

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Yes, it is a PvP game, though not a FPS one. Rather an obby PVP.

This UI looks very good! Nice job on it! You should add a progression bar as to how many XP/points there are left till the next level, and a percentage count (percent left till the next level).