Last time I made a post for feedback on my game Super Obby. I have feedback but now i’ve run out of ideas. Any ideas? I know i’m making an obby so don’t say I need to add more stages, because I am.
Ps. This is not a dupe post. The feedback was how I can improve and this is what I can add.
Add cool designs to your game,for example,an skybox(If you already made,try replacing with sort of an skybox of the universe/space),adding npcs,adding easter eggs maybe,and the others things,people will request…
Your games good, but a few things could be improved:
The signs at the begging of the game lacked detail.
No offense, but they did not look good, try turning the blocks (with the text on it) transparency to 0, so it visible, like so:
(not mine)
It would look 10x better.
Loading Screen
The loading screen also lacked detail, and it triggered my OCD that the “super obby is loading” and “this make take a few seconds” weren’t lined up with the “loading” text. Imo, it would be more eye pleasing if you did that. Like I said, you also need to add more detail, these tutorials can help:
Lack of Detail In Building
I noticed your VIP and Group Only door. It was very plain and boring, which would make people not want to join the group or buy vip.

Not the best example but a good one.
Over all your game is good, I like the concept you are going for, but you should improve on the things sated above. Good luck!
I have a question,why did you put some tags in the description?Also,why everyone does that,it is probably useless,right?
Here are a few things I found
You could make the obstacles in the obby stand out more, possibly by making them neon or a vibrant colour.
There’s also no way that I can see to return back to the spawn after starting the obby, other than rejoining.
Also, you really need to work on GUIs. The loading screen and the shop menu both seem to be using offsets, so they are not lined up properly on other resolutions. You should also try to add some tweening into the shop menu, it’s extremely easy to do and makes the game feel more polished.
Gameplay wise, it feels a bit generic .Maybe you could add something that makes it stand out, like timing runs or limiting lives.
Try adding the following:
A cool effect when the player reaches a checkpoint. Something like particles emitting out of the checkpoint, and playing a fun little noise.
Speaking of checkpoints, add a little visual thing on it’s top face to make it stand out more. They just look like normal platforms.
Add fire bursting out of the rockets in the space area, because they’re just floating still, with nothing making it seem like in space at all.
Finally, add a proper end. Even though the game’s in beta, there’s absolutely nothing at the end of the last stage. You’re just stuck at a checkpoint, with nothing to do.