I’ve used blender to create the whole neighborhood.
Feel free to suggest anything or criticize.
It looks really good, but I have 3 suggestions for the house plots.
Good job, very good low-poly build.
This isn’t really low polygon count, the render is a nice start though.
Think of areas where you can reduce your poly counts. I have a feeling that your car wheels might be a little more detailed than necessary, granted it’s difficult to tell for sure. Also remember that low poly is not a style, but a method of optimizing models.
Additionally, if you’re looking to reduce the “noise” (the grainy pixel artifacts you can see), Blender 2.79 (the version I see you’re using) has a Denoising tool that I think you’d find useful
One thing I would try to focus on his scaling. For instance, is the car half as tall as a two-three story house? Is the door as big as the car’s tire? Some simple scaling could really make the build much more attractive.
As far as stuff to add, I would put paths from the doors to the road, as well as a driveway from the garage to the road. I would also make the pond go down below the ground just a bit to make it a touch more realistic.
Hope this helps!
Your neighborhood is a nice start, like all the different details you added in the map i think it looks very decent. However here is a couple, of things to add to your (Neighborhood) as by looking it at it’s a plain lets, add more details to your map a little more.
My Suggestion
The houses look a little empty, i would recommend you add some dividers onto the window part so it could look a little more decent. And you should add some windows on the side part and by the door piece! and for neighborhood add a trash can, mailbox, plants, bushes, driveway, sidewalk, ect. I would suggest you bright up the colors, on your houses and add different styles of trees and more details to house part! as seen below you could add a bit more to it…
I would also add, different houses and other buildings such as stores and others. To your map to look more like a “neighborhood” and add some logs, rocks, plants, different cars, garden, street lights, ect. And you should really scale the ‘Cars’ down some as said above they look taller then the door!!
And try adding some more of those fences around the house and for the backyard. I would add some trees, potted plants, flowers, rocks, others to look more better, overall you have really done a great job on your map.
Hope to see more, of this very soon keep up the good work!
streetlights and house numbers
Hi CarloBloxDev! I think your neighborhood looks okay, however it is missing some details.
Try to add in more vegetation, bushes, flowers etc.
The houses are missing some windows on the left side, add in 2 - 4 windows.
Classic neighborhoods have fences, I think it would add more detail to the neighborhood.
(I suggest wooden fence)
Add a path from the road to the houses
Add a chimney to the houses
Make different house variations
Thats all I had on my mind. Good luck on your work and have a nice day Here is a for good luck
Not bad at all. Though, as Aotrou stated, the poly count isn’t really low.
As for things to add, you could add some path(s) leading to the houses’ doors and garages and some sort of chimneys on some of the houses’s roofs.
You could also add some streetlights around.
Also from the render’s camera angle, cars also look relatively big compared to the houses’ doors/garage doors.
For starters, keep your tri count low . Perhaps some mountains in the background, some shrubs, streetlights, fire hydrants ect. There some great reference images you could find to give you a wider choice.
Someone might have said this already, but maybe a window or two on each house could be yellow, to show a light being on, therefore assuming that there might be someone living inside.
I agree with your suggestions!
Hello, I think you should add a path way the the houses and maybe a few bushes.
Other than that It’s great.