What can I add to this build?

I’m making this at-home office build, and I’ve already made the desk and all that, although I don’t know what to add to the rest of the room. Here’s what I have.

The rest of the room is really empty. What do I add?


Possibly a bed or a couch and TV


Fix the wood grain before I die.

Add a TV, couch, coffee table, floor lamp, floor plant, and a door.


How can I do so?

Also thanks for the suggestions.

Use this plugin and rotate all parts until the grain is facing the long way.


perhaps a closet, paintings, bed, couch, table, lights, chest? maybe even a plant? @SneakerDude2

good idea :star_struck:


Also, forgot to say this earlier, but where would be a good place to put the couch and the TV? I can’t really think of one.

maybe the right side or behind of the desk but i think tthe right would look best @SneakerDude2

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Blue: TV

Brown: Coffee Table

Red: Couch


that seems really cramp not gonna lie the stuff are so close to the wall

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I think you should move the desk n chair closer to the window.


Put the TV and coffee table behind the desk, multitask chair for TV and gaming.

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there’s a lot you could add,
a tv, bean bags, shelves, coffee/water area, or you can take inspo from office pictures.
btw nice chair and mac!!!

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this is cool but put some art on the walls or something on the walls its to simple and a couch and a TV also put a coffee table in the middle


a bed. paintings. side table for the bed. a closet/wardrobe. a door to another place of the house. a better baseboard like that baseboard is bleh
baseboardcorner.obj (5.4 KB) baseboardnormal.obj (2.9 KB)
i made some baseboards the other day
they are really hard to position though.

also add shelves.

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I think I didn’t when making it so I could put something like a plant there, which I forgot about until now. I might do what you said and put the place elsewhere.

I would suggest adding a bed, some shelves, a door, a trash can next to the desk and a plant in the corner of the room.

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Maybe a couple power outlets, cords, if you add a lamp light switches


Hii! This looks great. To add in some extra things to fill the empty space, I’d suggest possibly a sofa/couch! A lamp of some sort or a bed with a nightstand would even look great!