What can I do with workspace.Camera?

I think of the camera as a block, and I can set its Position, Cframe etc. Is this true?

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Use workspace.CurrentCamera in a localscript

Okay, but does it have a ‘position’ and ‘cFrame’? It isn’t viewable in the properties window so I am not sure. How would I go about moving the camera to introduce the player to a game?

You can set the CFrame of it
Use TweenService to move the camera

with workspace.Camera you can put lighting effects inside it that you want to happen to only one player

eg player screen turns red and is blurred when attacked

if you put the lighting effects for that in lighting it would happen to everyone

How would I ‘blur’ or add effects? Don’t I have to create a GUI that covers the whole screen?

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For this, you would create a BlurEffect via a local script and put it in Lighting for it to show for only one player.

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you would create a blur effect through scripting and put it in the player’s camera (workspace.Camera)