What can i improve in my render distance system?

Hey, i decided to work on a chunk loader/unloader soo i made this script:

local Grid = 200
local RenderDistance = 16
local YPosition = 10

local spacing = 2

local Chunks = {}

local Player = workspace.Player
local Actor = game:GetService("ServerScriptService").Actor

local function Generate(GridSize: number)
	for i = 0, GridSize^2 - 1 do
		local x = (i % GridSize) * spacing
		local y = math.floor(i / GridSize) * spacing
		Chunks[i] = {["x"] = x,["y"] = y, index = i}

local function ShowParts()
	for i, v in Chunks do
		local Part = Instance.new("Part")
		Part.Anchored = true
		Part.Name = i
		Part.Size = Vector3.new(spacing,1,spacing)
		Part.Color = Color3.new(1,0,0)
		Part.Position = Vector3.new(v.x, YPosition, v.y)

		Part.Parent = workspace.Parts
		if i%400 == 0 then task.wait(0) end

local VisibleChunks = {}
local function GetPartsToUpdate(): {Part} & {Part}
	local PreviousVisibleChunks = {}
	local Updated = false

	local currentPosition = Player.Position
	for i, v in Chunks do
		local diff = (Vector3.new(v.x,YPosition,v.y) - currentPosition).Magnitude
		if diff > RenderDistance * spacing then 
			if VisibleChunks[i] then VisibleChunks[i] = nil; PreviousVisibleChunks[i] = true; Updated = true else continue end
			if VisibleChunks[i] then continue end
			if not Updated then Updated = true end

			VisibleChunks[i] = true

	if not Updated then return {}, {} end
	return PreviousVisibleChunks, VisibleChunks

local function UpdateParts()
	while true do
		local UnloadParts, LoadParts = GetPartsToUpdate()
			for i, v in UnloadParts do
				workspace.Parts[i].Color = Color3.new(1,0,0)
				if i%8 == 0 then task.wait(0) end
			for i, v in LoadParts do
				workspace.Parts[i].Color = Color3.new(1,1,1)
				if i%8 == 0 then task.wait(0) end


I used parrarel luau to loop through arrays, also i only change colors to see if this system actually works, what it does is it spawns grid of parts, then it checks distance between chunks and player cube, if this distance is too big then it’s added to previous chunks soo it will be updated as hiden in next iteration

Problem is that i don’t know what to add to make this code more efficient, soo i can use it in actual game, the only thing i think about is making this loop very slow or adding chunk loading yield, any other ideas tho?

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I believe it may be ideal for you to consider the usage of Chunks[x][y] = ... instead, as that way, you would be directly looking them up based on their positions instead of iterating through all chunks (ex. iterating over 400 chunks to find just 10).

You can utilize this solution by first calculating all chunk positions that should be visible–relative from the user’s current chunk’s positions–and then, iterating over those, you are able to index the chunks directly to turn them visible.

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Not sure but honestly really impressive, currently on my break for scripting right now but yeah making a chunk loading system is hard. Especially with parallel luau. So congrats.

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