What can i improve on my ui

alright, so im pretty horrible with ui. Im trying to make ui for an air hockey game. I had no idea for what to do and what colors to choose. how do i improve it besides pressing the delete button on everything?


I like the UI, only thing I gotta say is:
For the lower screenshot they look too small, try making the bigger, and for the higher one make them a little smaller
Maybe move the Coins GUI to the right, as the left looks too plain and the right too overloaded
The Shop icon, that seems like a bag looks more like a trapezoid, try making it smoother

Otherwise this looks good! As you’d aid you’re horrible at GUIs this looks very good! Have a good day/night!


These are really good, but for mobile I would recommend moving the gui on the bottom left to another location on the screen or making it a little bit smaller
this is because when mobile players try to move by dragging their finger across that area of the screen it could cause them to keep opening the gui


Hey, thanks for your feedback!!! Do you mean moving the coins gui to the left, as irs already on the right side?

Yes, I mean that, as the right side looks a little overloaded with GUIs

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Colours seem to match with what you’re doing, but the UI could use some re-arrangement and small changes.

  • For mobile slightly decrease the size
  • For PC slightly increase size
  • Also, I’d move coins on top of the Shop, and move Sound & Settings to the top left.
  • Add a ‘!’ to the end of ‘wins until next level’ to appear more exciting
  • Capitalise the L on ‘level 99999 wins’ to grab attention

Other than that it’s pretty good :smiley: :+1:

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Avoid putting buttons on the lower side of the screen, especially if your game is mobile-centered (as I presume this one is). It’s really hard for mobile users to use their touch movement controls otherwise.