What can I replace run service with on server?

I’m making a audio visualizer thing that uses run service but I think I find it easier if I put a script in it. Now this is where I’m dumb and I test the game and realized Run Service is only on client. I would like to know what I should replace it with on server since While Wait() Do doesn’t work as well.

This is code for visualizer which I would use on Run Service in a Local Script

part.Size = Vector3.new(sound.PlaybackLoudness / random, sound.PlaybackLoudness / random, sound.PlaybackLoudness / random)

BindToRenderStep and RenderStepped only work on the client, but the RunService itself is on both client and server.

You could use RunService | Roblox Creator Documentation, for example.

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I have tried using The stepped but it still doesn’t work then like it did on a local script.

Oh, look at Sound | Roblox Creator Documentation :

This item is not replicated across Roblox’s server/client boundary.

So in other words, you might not be able to do this on the server in the first place. Because the server isn’t playing any sounds, it’s just telling clients which sounds they should be playing.

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