What causes character's limbs to become again CanCollide=true?

When I set character’s feet (R15) to CanCollide = true, what causes them to become again CanCollide=false and how can I avoid this?


They shouldn’t
Unless you have another external script interfering with them

There are no other scripts added by me, which can change CanCollide of the legs.
I make it false in CharacterAdded event in a LocalScript.
May be some of the system scripts does something later?

Humanoids make the legs and arms and head have no collision for some reason, a fix for this is to make an invisible part the same size and position as the feet and weld them together. For an example (if the script were to be in StarterCharacterScripts):

local Character = script.Parent
local leftfoot = Character.LeftFoot -- left foot
local rightfoot = Character.RightFoot -- right foot

local fakeleftfoot = Instance.new("Part") -- Make a left foot collider
fakeleftfoot.Name = "FakeLeftFoot"
fakeleftfoot.CFrame = leftfoot.CFrame
fakeleftfoot.Size = leftfoot.Size
fakeleftfoot.Transparency = 1
fakeleftfoot.CanCollide = false -- getting changed after so it is inside the foot
fakeleftfoot.Parent = Character

local fakerightfoot = Instance.new("Part") -- a right food collider
fakerightfoot.Name = "FakeRightFoot"
fakerightfoot.CFrame = rightfoot.CFrame
fakerightfoot.Size = rightfoot.Size
fakerightfoot.Transparency = 1
fakerightfoot.CanCollide = false
fakerightfoot.Parent = Character

local leftfootweld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint") -- left foot weld
leftfootweld.Part0 = leftfoot
leftfootweld.Part1 = fakeleftfoot
leftfootweld.Parent = fakeleftfoot
fakeleftfoot.CanCollide = true

local rightfootweld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint") -- right foot weld
rightfootweld.Part0 = rightfoot
rightfootweld.Part1 = fakerightfoot
rightfootweld.Parent = fakerightfoot
fakerightfoot.CanCollide = true

This can be applied to the legs or arms but keep in mind that if the feet are not both touching the ground, walking can be weird.

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