Starting another project out of fun, and it’s been going really well. I am extremely pleased with the results I’ve got so far, and I am keen on working on the project for more time. Today I’ve decided to take a gander in the project through the Roblox player, just to test some UI scalling I’ve been doing.
Joined, and my jaw dropped. I had my graphics on the highest settings, and the lighting looked nothing compared to the version I developed/set up in studio. I was pretty devested, and I was franticly looking for an anwer, one which I still haven’t found.
Do you have Unified Lighting beta on in Beta Features? (if you don’t know how to check this then you can alternatively just scroll to your Lighting instance and check whether you can find “Future/ShadowMap/Voxel” in ‘LightningTechnology’ property, if you don’t find those then you’re using the Unified Lighting beta, which isn’t out yet, thus it won’t be visible in the Player.
You either have to turn off the beta feature or wait for its release