What color should the wall be?

What color and material should my wall be? Should it have tile?

The Wall


The wall color is good for me, but something like this is very subjective.


I’m just taking suggestions, I’ll color it what I like best.


I think the blue colour it is already is fine. It matches the rest of the build in my opinion. I guess you could make it a little lighter but that’s really about it.


In my opinion the colour is good but the material could be worked on to blend with the environment a bit more.


I don’t know what other material it should be. It’s currently Smooth Plastic, any ideas?

Either concrete or slate or a mix with both

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I think the marble slabs are the issue, not that wall.

If I were to choose I’d keep the wall a lowkey material like concrete or plastic and then colour it white or grey, and bring colour in through the panels.

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Marble slabs, do you mean the granite backsplash?

Just like others said, I personally think the color is beautiful. But the material depends on what kind of game style you are going for. A low poly build style usually uses no materials and everything is smooth plastic, but if you’re going for a more realistic type of game, setting the materials of parts is crucial.

Right now it is a blend of both. I’m not saying it is wrong, however, I’d suggest sticking with one style (either most parts are smooth plastic or most are realistically given materials).

I apologize if I was a little off topic since I focused on the overall build instead of just the wall, but I think with what you have so far, the wall should be concrete, slate, or cobblestone.

I hope that helps.


The two blue materials in my opinion don’t really mix with each other. The blue granite backsplash is a bit too vibrant for the main colour of the wall.

As others suggested, you can change the material of the main wall to a marble, slate, granite or stone material and try to match the colour of the backsplash, or you can maybe change the material and colour of the backsplash to match the wall.

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It’s supposed to be realistic. I took inspiration from chopped. image


Then don’t make a topic on the DevForum asking for colours.

With all due respect, this entire subforum is dedicated to asking for support on building. A referendum on “what colour people think my wall should be” doesn’t constitute that, especially if you don’t really care about the responses.

I have changed the color a bit.

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Burlap, or any tan color on Roblox also you can customize them further using the numbers. Maybe also use a brick texture like “the useful brick”.

I will chose the colors I like from the people replying. I should have made that clearer.

The colour is literally fine how it is and I’m pretty sure you’re able to determine that yourself as the builder. There is no need to consult the DevForum by creating topics for such minor issues as “the colour of this wall.”

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I wasn’t sure, I was just trying to get some suggestions.

Like a pastel, or is that too light?