Hi! My game has been working perfectly for the past few months and today I decided to bring some people in and test the game.
Immediately people began experiencing crashes when joining, the backpacks in game didn’t show and everything was just wrong.
I think there must be some kind of script cause this in-game. I tried loading up multiple players in a local test server and the first player always joins perfectly, but each other one seems to crash immediately. I’ve attached a picture of what I mean.
This could be one of the people inserting malicious scripts, either intentionally, or accidentally through a plugin they installed. The backpack problem is relevant to this because most malicious Studio plugins/scripts insert a backpack to hide the scripts from the user.
I would recommend checking your output and workspace or serverscriptstorage to see if there is any viruses or other fraudulent scripts. If that doesn’t work you can always make more room on your computer or close tabs if you have too many open as sometimes a system can’t maintain having a certain amount of jobs at one time.
Hope this helps!
I’d look in serverscript storage first and if you can’t find anything there make sure to check the creators of your plugins to make sure they’re the real creator of the plugin and not a random account.
If other people are experiencing this its not just an issue on your end. Think about any scripts or plugins you added recently, and as previously stated
I would recommend saving your game as a RBXLX file (this will remove any GUI images that have been inserted through studio), opening this in a text editor (Notepad++ for Windows, BBEdit for macOS for some examples) and searching for some of the telltale signs such as a backpack in the InsertService
I’d also recommend telling all developers that have access to your game to disable all plugins
Here’s the ServerScriptService during a testing session where one player has joined and everyone’s client is hanging.
The only things not by me are the ChatServiceRunner and the SoundDispatcher which I’ve checked and seem like they are Roblox scripts.
There can be a liability that your game could be infected by installing plugins, this is made by @Christbru01 to combat infections hidden in your plugins, which you can go here. But please do check your Developer Console because that may be the case for why your game isn’t functioning correctly
Please post all text printed in the output window when clients start hanging. Can you reproduce this in Studio with a local server with multiple players?
Open the output and command bar, paste the following LUA one-liner and send the results
print(" --game.InsertService--") for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("InsertService"):GetChildren()) do print(v.Name) end print(" -- If there was anything above this line and below the start line, that's most likely malicious --")```
> print("game.InsertService") for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("InsertService"):GetChildren()) do print(v.Name) end print(" – If there was anything above this line and below the start line, that’s most likely malicious –")
– If there was anything above this line and below the start line, that’s most likely malicious –
This could be down to a few issues. If you have replicated this in Studio and it is still not working then it is definitely a game issue and not another user adding exploits.
This means it is most likely from a plugin or script. If you could post the developer console or the output you got in studio would be great. Or let us know what plugins you are using and we could figure out if any of them could possibly be malicious.
If this is in studio please use the Output window insead of the console you open ingame. I’ve had it refuse to load output history before, and it can’t be opened to show client output when the client hangs.
Enable it in View category of the topbar.
Also disabling malicious plugins won’t help if they’ve already dropped malicious scripts into your game.
The output doesn’t show anything at all, which is pretty useless if I’m honest.
I tried disabling literally every localscript in the client and now they load in properly, which is real weird.
I haven’t touched those scripts at all.