What could cause a remote function to stop printing errors on the server?

I have been having an issue for a really long time where a remote function for whatever reason does not want to show an error on the server but only shows it on the client side.

Does anyone know what could be causing this and if there is a way to solve it?
I really want to be able to see what went wrong on the server without having to guess with a pcall where the error is located with lots of headaches and time being wasted.


Restart studio and check if any filters are applied


Where do i check for possible filters that could be activated?




Everything is shown in the output, yet it still doesn’t show the error.

It never shows up ingame aswell.

Is it because of the remotefunction its logic? i feel like i have to swap everything to a remote event and keep waiting for the data instead

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Are you using pcalls, is the code even reaching that point maybe you should use different threads.

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Im not using any pcalls at the moment, it is also reaching the point.
its erroring on the client but not on the server, i need it to error on the server so i can see why a core function stopped working without having to ask the player for his logs and debug properly myself in studio

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Could you give me a screenshot of the explorer (fully)

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you can see the time missing, it happened at 03:54:38, but there is no error around at that time.


Explorer, not output. Explorer shows the objects and services like Workspace, ReplicatedStorage, etc.

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