What could I add? ( Jazz Club/Bar )

Definitely, I’ve been putting together a big document of Posters ready to import in

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In that second to last picture a clock would go very good on that wall to the left.

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yes a clock would do nicely… would a grandfather clock make it look too old?

Jukebox? maybe? Or a radio or speakers.

yeah speekers and a mic for the live music.

Cards? (is that allowed?)

Are thoes elevator doors? (if not, dorhandles, if so elevator buttons)

depending on how clean you want it, you could add clutter it make the space look more used.

like empty glasses and the occasional belongings (coat, hat, watches, breifcase(?) cane, unbrella)

Also coat and hat rack also also umbrella holder

(also also also, if your going for realism, perhaps fluffier plants?

Oveall I really like iitttttt!!! Keep up the good workkkkkkk!!!

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Loads of ideas, thank you ill try add some of them in

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This looks amazing bro. Is this a game or showcase? Are you going to release it soon?

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Will probably release in around a month due to some exams i’ve got coming up, But then i’ll try get it advertised etc

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Did you make everything from scratch? I want to say the windows, and furniture came from blender.

No made from scratch, One of the chairs had a little help getting the shells but thats all, got around 350 hours on blender,

Windows took a few minutes to make, just using mirror modifier and bevels

How we looking?

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I like how the posters add a little bit of a pop to the place. Only thing if the three stacked posters looks a bit out of place but putting some around will definitely make it more appealing. Good work.

Normally in jazz clubs they’re placed abit haphazardly that’s why they arent all really aligned

Good to know. Should definitely add some Coltrane, Armstrong, and Ellington if you can find any.

There is Coltrane and Armstrong around just not in that picture, couldn’t miss them out

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Dont forget Charlie Parker! (Bird)

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Paintings. They will fill up the blank space on the walls. Do some classical & historical paintings. Players love attention to detail and novelty in a game. Give them a reason to stop and look. - also just little details to the tables. Give the impression people are there.

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There is the updated one, on one of the replies which has posters and some glasses and ash trays on the table, did you mean actual paintings or will the posters do?

Those posters certainly will do, it looks quite nice.

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