What could I add to these empty walls?

Im trying to decorate the arena for where I have a boss battle in my game. The walls look very empty and Im not sure what to put on them.


maybe paintings, mayhbe change the wallpaper or something, lights/ lamps or something


First of all, is this build set to be underwater, or does the glow just come from the blue mosaic glass encasing the arena above. If its not underwater, I would recommend adding wall mounted lamps/chandeliers.
Even though your walls may be at jagged angles, try to see if you can impliment collumns to bring more depth. I would probably add them on the inward pointing angles of your wall, however your wall pattern may make it hard to make such an idea work effectively. You could still add accent lines running across the entire span of the wall, or add inscriptions mimicing the insignia in the middle of your arena.

Hope this helps! :grin:


I cant do vertical columns because they would interfere with boss fight, and horizontal ones look ugly

Ill try added accent lines now