For some reason in the server if the player’s model is loaded client sided, the parts just keep teleporting from the server’s perspective, and if server loaded, it keeps teleporting from the client’s perspective, how could i fix it?
Roblox has recently released an upgrade on Avatar Joints, and it includes improvements for ragdolls. It’s worth looking into if you’re interested, if not, ballsocketcontraints SHOULD work just fine aswell.
local Ball ="BallSocketConstraint",char.HumanoidRootPart)
Ball.Name = charpart.Name.."BallSocketConstraint"
Ball.LimitsEnabled = true
local BallAttachment0 ="Attachment",charpart)
local BallAttachment1 ="Attachment",char.Torso)
Ball.Attachment0 = BallAttachment0
Ball.Attachment1 = BallAttachment1
BallAttachment0.CFrame = PartsRagdollPosition[charpart.Name]
BallAttachment1.WorldCFrame = BallAttachment0.WorldCFrame
and this is to disable the Motor6D’s
for l, partsincharparts in pairs(charpart:GetChildren()) do
if partsincharparts:IsA("Motor6D") then
partsincharparts.Enabled = not RagdollValue.Value
What I did for my ragdoll script is giving each Motor6D in the character a BallSocketConstraint with LimitsEnabled and TwistLimitsEnabled, and then destroying the Motor6D itself.
But then how could i go back to the normal state?
This script kinda works, but if i put the player NetworkOwnership on the client, for the others, the player’s Ragdoll won’t be fluid, and if the NetworkOwnershio on the server, the player’s ragdoll in it’s vision won’t be fluid